𝐡𝐨𝐠𝐬𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞

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Summary: When Y/n accepts the offer of going on a Hogsmeade date with Regulus Black, he must figure out how to make it a perfect date.

Word count: 0.7k

On a cold windy day like today, the moon was barely visible, even on the astronomy tower. Y/n stood there, waiting for Regulus to come like he always would.

"Y/n darling," Regulus called out as Y/n turned around to face a bouquet of lilies and lavender, her favorite flowers. Resting on a bouquet was a little note,  Y/n eagerly opened the note and saw the words in perfect cursive handwriting "Would you go on a date with me to Hogsmeade?" written on there. 

"Yes of course!" Y/n replied and Regulus let out a sigh of relief and happiness as he pulled Y/n in for a hug.


"Hey Lily," Regulus greeted Y/n's best friend as he sat down next to her in the library. "Guess what?"

"What? Tell me!"

"She said yes!" 

"To what? Your proposal?"

"No, well I wish. To the Hogsmeade Date!" 

"Oh, good enough. So why are you here? Go snog her or something." Lily shrugged him off and quickly focused on the more important subject, studying.

"Lily! This is the part where you tell me all the secrets to a good date!" Regulus pleaded with puppy eyes. He knew Lily was a romantic and knew all Y/n's likes and dislikes, and he was determined to make this date a perfect date for Y/n.

"Alright fine." Lily groaned with resignation while Regulus happily pulled out a mini black notebook with a quill. 

"What's that for?"

"Taking notes. Obviously." Regulus pointed out matter-of-factly. "Start please." 

"Okay, so the first stop on the date is the Flourish and Blotts Bookseller. There you will go shopping for books with her, she really likes the muggle romance ones. Carry all of her books and pay for everything. Got it?" 

"Yeah yeah got it," Regulus replied, busy writing down everything.

"Then Honeydukes. She loves chocolate, anything chocolate. Chocolate balls, chocolate bars, you name it! She's practically soulmates with Remus." Lily explained, noticing that the last part made Regulus frown slightly.

"Platonic soulmates I mean. Anyways, get her a bunch of that and some extra candy, like pop rocks or lollipops." Lily continued on, "And lastly, go to the Three Broomsticks with her. She likes her Butterbeer with extra cinnamon so don't forget that! And just talk... or snog. Whichever you prefer." 

"Is that it?" Regulus questioned, needing as much information as he can get about what Y/n liked.

"Hm, and also just be a gentleman. Hold doors for her, say please, you know, just the basic expectations."

"Yeah of course. Thanks, Lily! I owe you, bye!" 


Regulus stood at the Great Hall, wearing a dark green coat with a white shirt and black pants, waiting for the love of his life to arrive. 

Then suddenly, Y/n entered the Great Hall with a short green and black flannel skirt and an oversized black hoodie, which was enough to make Regulus' heart flutter with admiration. 

"Wow, uhm, you look lovely." Regulus complimented Y/n with a nervous smile, mentally face-palming at his lack of flirting skills. But the red flush on Y/n's face immediately reassured him.

"Thank you, you look nice too." 

"Shall we?" Regulus said in a sarcastic formal tone.

"We shall," Y/n giggled as she matched his energy.

When they arrived at Hogsmeade, a strong gust of wind greeted them and caused Y/n to shiver. Regulus immediately noticed and took off his coat to wrap around Y/n's body. 

Y/n wanted to give it back to him but the light scent of Regulus' cologne made her give in and whisper a small thank you.

Throughout the whole date, Regulus did everything that Lily had told him to. He got Y/n dozens of muggle romance books, bags full of chocolates and candy, and drank butterbeer with extra cinnamon with her. It was perfect. And occasionally, he will stare at Y/n and wonder what in the world he did to deserve a girl like her. 

"Thanks for today, I really enjoyed it." Y/n gratefully said as they returned back at Hogwarts.

"I did too," Regulus smiled and went to peck Y/n's lips.

Y/n leaned in more and kissed Regulus with passion and lust, making him moan under his breath. They both pulled away, lips swollen and cheeks red. 

"Bye Regulus."

"See you Y/n."

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