
1.5K 20 11

Summary: The Christmas ball is soon, and things take a turn when Theodore Nott asks Y/n out instead of Regulus Black.

Word count: 1k

December was an exhilarating time for all students, especially Y/n Y/l/n. 

The Christmas ball was coming up, and it was the perfect opportunity to spend a night dancing with her best friend, Regulus Black. Though "best friend" isn't the best way to describe him. Y/n thought of it more as "the boy I am hopelessly in love with", but he didn't have to know that.

On the other hand, Regulus couldn't be more stressed. For one, he didn't know how to ask Y/n out to the Christmas ball. He has been wanting to confess his feelings for her for the longest time, but it's obvious that he isn't particularly experienced in this field. But by the time he worked up his courage, it was too late.

"Reggie, guess what?" Y/n exclaimed as she sat down next to Regulus at a table at the library. 


"Theodore freaking Nott asked me to the Christmas ball!" Y/n announced and Regulus gave a strained smile in return. If Y/n looked just a bit closer, she would've seen the jealousy and annoyance behind it.

"Oh," Regulus stated. "I didn't know you liked Nott."

"To be honest, I don't," Y/n sighed softly. She wished Regulus could've asked her instead of a boy she had no romantic interest in. "But, it's not like I had a choice. The ball is in two days, and I could not go to it without a date."

"Well, I have to go now." Regulus stood up and left without another word. Y/n felt disappointment slowly rising up. He's my best friend, for god's sake! He should've at least pretended to be happy for me.

At that moment, Y/n felt terribly stupid for ever thinking the boy who just shunned her would ever like her back.

ʏ/ɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ

On the night of the ball, Y/n dressed up in a rose gold dress with flower patterns blooming all over the dress. She did her hair, and makeup, and decided she wasn't going to let Regulus' rudeness ruin her night.

She entered the common room with an eager smile on her face though it slowly disappeared after a while. Where is he? He was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.

When it finally occurred to Y/n that Nott was never going to come, she felt tears threatening to spill out of her eyes. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. She repeated to herself as if it was a chant, but it didn't work. Her vision blurred and her knees grew weak, and before she knew it, she was crying on the forest green sofa of the Slytherin Common room.

ʀᴇɢᴜʟᴜs' ᴘᴏᴠ

Regulus felt truly pathetic studying for an upcoming exam in his dorm room while every other student in his year went to the Christmas ball, but he tried to shrug the feeling off. He knew he wouldn't enjoy it if he went with somebody other than Y/n anyways.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar sound coming from the common room. The same sound he heard when Y/n's owl died. The same sound he heard when Y/n finished reading a sad book.

Without hesitation, he walked into the common room and saw Y/n gently sobbing on the sofa in the corner.

"Y/n?" Regulus' voice cracked when he saw Y/n in such a heartbreaking condition. "What happened?"

"Nothing, just go away!"

Regulus flinched a little at Y/n's sudden shout but didn't give up just yet.

"Nott didn't hurt you, did he?" Regulus' fists tightened at that thought.

"No, it's stupid. I'm stupid for thinking he would actually show up to take me to the ball."

"Hey, you're not stupid, okay? You can't just let Nott, the biggest jerk in our year, make you feel stupid." Regulus tried his best to reassure Y/n, and smiled a bit when Y/n shifted closer to him. "Here, how about I take you to the ball instead?"

"What? My makeup is most definitely ruined, and you don't even have a suit." Y/N protested, trying to push away the feeling of glee at Regulus asking her to the ball.

"You look beautiful even without makeup, but how about we take 30 minutes for you to redo your makeup and for me to get prepared?" Regulus suggested. "Besides, I bought a suit since I was planning to ask you to the Christmas ball, but Nott beat me to it."

"Really? You should've told me. I would've definitely gone with you instead." Y/n accidentally blurted out before rushing to her dorm. "See you!"

ʏ/ɴ's ᴘᴏᴠ

As Y/n stepped into the common room once again, she saw Regulus in an expensive navy suit waiting for her. His eyes immediately brightened when he saw Y/n, and a smile danced across his face.

"Y-you look uh beautiful," Regulus stuttered as he tried to compliment Y/n.

"Well, you too," Y/n chuckled before grabbing Regulus' hand, seeing the boy's cheeks go a light pink at the contact. "Come on, we're already late."

The ball was filled with laughter and flirtatious remarks, as well as poofy dresses and tight suits. Regulus and Y/n fitted right in.

When the music for a slow dance started playing, Regulus stretched out his hand and felt a gentle and soft hand fit into it perfectly. Regulus and Y/n danced as if there was no one else in the room. They danced as if it was their last night alive.

After the dance was over, Y/n leaned in and whispered, "Thank you. This night was really unexpected."

"In a good way or a bad way?"

"Any night with you in it is good, Regulus."


This fic is inspired by the song "prom dress" by mxmtoon because I absolutely adore the song! This is one of my longer stories so please let me know if you like longer or shorter stories better. I would really appreciate it if you voted. Until next time! 

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