Ch.2: Him

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Part II

"Last night I dreamt, that somebody loved me.
No hope, no harm, just another false alarm."

- The smiths

Todd's POV:

I approached the shower door, ready to meet the intruder. The bathroom was full of hot steam that seemed to be swept out of the bathroom, and into my room.

I could see a clear outline of a manly body behind the glass-steamed door, he didn't even seem to notice me, but forget him, he shouldn't be in my room, and in my shower.

I pulled the shower door towards my direction forcefully, without a doubt he gazed towards me. And that's when I finally saw the intruder.
He had ocean blue eyes and a great...butt

He didn't seem to be phased by me or even afraid of being seen naked. He nudged past me to grab a towel, with that he wrapped it around his waist that hung low.

He's hot... Wait a minute, I wasn't suppose to think this way I promised.
I intently pushed those thoughts in the back of my mind, hoping my pants wouldn't tighter, and that wasn't going to be a pretty sight.

I was finally going to confront this guy, there's no more being afraid and just gazing over his hotness.

So I managed to mutter up some words,

"Umm, dude? Why are you in my room?" I said. That wasn't the best way to start a conversation, but it is what it is.

"I apologize, my shower wasn't working, so I decided I would shower in yours. I hope that's okay?" he softly said as he looked down at his feet.

"I accept your apology, just tell me before you do it again? And would you please grab your clothes and gym bag? It reeks." I chuckled.

"Anyways, the names Hayes," he smiles while walking towards the corner of my room,

"I'm Toddy, but everyone calls me Todd for short." I say, while deciding that I would check Tumblr on my macbook.

"It's nice to meet you 'Todwell' anyways I gotta run, so I'll catch ya later." He holds onto his towel and jogs out of my room.

He's cute, but I think he's straight.

I couldn't focus on Tumblr, not even for a second, a million thoughts invaded my head.

I decided that I still needed to unpack my things and finally settle in, at least that would clear my head, so I walked over to the corner of my room to grab my suitcase, which I had accidentally thrown.

I unzipped the cover and began refolding the wrinkly clothing. My style consists of dark coloured clothing, whenever I used a piece of any coloured clothing, I felt very uncomfortable for some unknown reason, but I didn't let that get to me.

I glanced over to the clock above the desk, which read that it's was now 5:04.

I lost track of time, which isn't a common thing, I've always needed to tell the time, only because I specifically schedule the amount of time I spend on a hobby or some random thing. I find this weird about myself. I guess it's one of my insecurities. Or quirks.

All of a sudden, I hear a knock on my door, with someone saying my name, it was like a short whisper or a little sound, but I managed to hear it. With that I sorta shouted,

"Come in,"

That browned haired boy from a while ago, appeared behind the door, he half-smiled at me,

"Uh, I'm A-A-Aaron," he stuttered, "Ja-Jack told me to get you, dinner's starting real soon at the cafeteria,"

"Alright, I know, Jack introduced us, but I'll head out with you guys."

He left, and with that I lifted myself up, and went over to my folded clothing to grab a cardigan or crew neck. It wasn't that chilly out, but I felt more sercuree with another piece of clothing.

I then walked out of my bedroom and began to make my way towards the staircase that led downstairs.

Each step seemed like an eternity that lasted for generations, but it quickly end with me childishly jumping off the last step.

When I turned my direction towards the figures that has merged in front of me, I see the familiar three guys. Three perfect guys who were standing inherently beside the door waiting for me. I quickly looked down at my feet hoping I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of these guys.

We left the housing unit in utter silence, hoping we wouldn't be last in line in the cafeteria, which was in the school, so we quickly ventured back to the path that led towards the school.

Authors notes: Is anyone reading this book? If you are please give it a vote!! Or a comment. I'm sorry I'm not really dedicated to my time in this book, I'm completely working on my other one that I am writing. But hopefully the next few chapters will be up soon! And that's Toddy in the picture, does he look to old?

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