Ch.5: Paris

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Part V

"Choose your last words, this is the last time, cause you and I, we were born to die."


Todd's POV:

I should say Hayes was making the trip uncomfortable, he wasn't really talking to us anymore, and when I tried to speak to him, he said that he was trying to "focus" on driving. I didn't really mind his attitude but it bothered me.

And I accepted Sam's dance proposal, I couldn't comprehend that he, Sam. Was gay. It didn't seem like he was, but in other words he was.

I'll have to admit that he was sweet and cute, it was all too much for me, his styled bleached hair along with his variety of tattoos that seemed to go with his personality, and with his raspberry cheeks, and...yeah, i was glad to have found this person who wasn't distasteful inside, but elegant on the inside and out.

Hayes parked in the parking lot next to the shopping centre. Hayes and Sam couldn't decide whether we eat first or go shop first, and then miraculously I had to break the vote, I said we should go eat.

I had gotten Subway, while they had Stir Fry from a place called "Edo" which can I say looked very delicious. Cautiously I asked Sam if I could have a bite of his Stir Fry, he agreed with a smile and wanted to have a bite of my sandwich also. I also considered Hayes if he wanted a bite, he thanked me for my generosity but declined.

Hayes gladly threw away our waste, while Sam and I went to go to a store that had some fascinating items.
From jewelry to antique furniture. I was looking in the jewelry section wanting a new necklace, I settled with a anchor necklace. Sam wanted the exact same necklace as a resemblance, I couldn't stop adoring him.

After we shortly left the store, we saw Hayes walking toward us, until I noticed Hayes cringed at the sight of the newly purchased necklace duo, but he quickly shook it off with a smile and went by my side as we continued through the shopping centre.

We then shopped again at a dozen other stores that included clothing, I was safe to say I spent 10 weeks worth of my saved allowances. ($950)

My family didn't lend me any money, other than the few hundreds that they gave to me for my school textbooks and supplies.

My father was always hard on me. I didn't know why, but I'd like to think that he saw potential in me. The potential to become something big.


A few hours have passed since we had eaten, Sam suggested we should stop at a McDonald's on the way back to the school, which Hayes and I simultaneously agreed.

I was finally finished shopping for the rest of the term, and I could say that Hayes and Sam were also finished. We all were exhausted, but I couldn't help myself but want to bake a homemade pizza and scroll through Tumblr tonight.

On the ride back, we listened to my music, which I chose the Honeymoon album, since Sam and Hayes haven't heard of Lana Del Rey. We were currently listening to Art Deco, I lightly hummed along with the lyrics that kept spouting.

Eventually I fell asleep along the lines of the song. While Sam took Hayes' place driving back to the school, I was sitting in the backseat breathing in all the words of the songs that played, I couldn't sing in front of no one, I didn't know if it was because of my insecurities or some other conscious, but I thought that it was a big deal and couldn't force myself to speak a few words, but hum once again.

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