Chapter X: Memories of Time spent Together

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Kat and I may not have been the richest people, but we lived a good life. Settled down together in a house that we both adored, with a tiny pond in the back. Katsuki kept koi fish, cared for them and spent time out of his day just watching them swim around under the lily pads, and weaving through the array of underwater plants. One was black and white, the other black and the prettiest shade of crimson I had ever seen. He had loved those fish with all his heart, and I thought that it was so beautifully endearing. It was almost completely unbelievable, in its own twisted way.

Kat and I still visited the shrine every single day, did a full magazine report on it at one time. That was the day I took my favorite picture of Katsuki, dressed in his uniform and mask sitting on the side of his head, one red lily behind his ear. He had been bent over to straighten the shrine box, and when he finished he has turned to smile at me. I'd laughed, snapped a picture with my work camera. My phone camera was out in mere seconds soon after, recording a video of Katsuki laughing as he walked over to me with a firefly sitting in between his hands. It blinked as he held it, careful not to hurt the insect, but to hold it up to the wind and wait for it to fly off of his hand on its own accord so it could remain safe still. I'd mused at him, told him he looked very pretty. He smiled, told me I needed to give myself credit too, because I was the prettier one in his eyes. I was the one he looked at late at night. I was the one he wanted to hold him tight. And I loved every single second of that, I swear.

On my birthday, Kat woke me up early that morning, said he had something he had wanted to show me. He'd made a more simple breakfast for us that morning, and we went out after. He took me to my favorite lake and that's where he gave me a cupcake. Told me he wanted my birthday to be as special as I made him feel when I was around him. I remember dragging him into the water by his feet, as he laughed and splashed me the entire time. He cursed at me of course, but it wasn't meant with malice in his tone. I'll forever treasure moments like those. They made life exciting and they brought out the best side of him, the one that I fell in love with the first time I had ever seen it and hoped that it would never go away after high school.

It didn't.

He was always giggling now because he didn't have anyone to try to stay stoic and brave for. He could be himself now and I think that's what made it all better.

I will never think of a greater achievement than making him the love of my life.

I never could grasp that I had actually married him.

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