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           ☀︎︎ I RUSH down the stairs to be faced with my dad Charlie, finishing his coffee. "Pops, time to go." I say, grabbing the keys to my cruiser and his. I toss his keys to him and fish my self into my police jacket. "Jackets looking a bit tight there bells, might be time to cut back on all the workouts and morning runs." He says, putting his coffee cup in the sink, "ha, very funny dad. So you can start beating me in our daliy races, I don't think so." I say, chuckling softly. "I'm just saying one day that things gonna pop!" He says, closing the door behind us on the way out. "Yea, whatever." I rolled my eyes, getting into my police car. I roll my window down before my dad gets the chance to pull off "Don't be such a sore loser old man, it's not appealing." He laughs loudly, pulling out of our driveway and heading to the police station as I follow behind him.

It's been a little over six years since the Cullens left taking all of forks problems with them. In that time I graduated high school and the police academy and climbed forks police ranks quickly to become a deputy, not that it was very hard anyway, but I did it. Now I live a relatively normal life. Besides the fact that Charlie and I are now shape-shifters. I think my dad was the first person to be happily force shifted. After I bit him, I was worried he'd hate me but the first thing he did was dance and laugh at the fact he felt young again he just kept saying 'No more back pain.' or he'd tell me to listen close as he stretched as much as possible, hearing no cracks or aches. Our relationship gradually got better, we hardly ever argue it feels great to have this much love from my dad and for him to understand what I'm going through. We both think it was the best thing to happen to our relationship. My internal dialog will have to be cut short as I get a call from Jacob. "Yo, little bro." I say into the phone, but my light manner is quickly abandoned when I hear Jacob speak. "Bella, you need to come to the reservation quick, pack meeting." I answered back with a quick 'okay.' dad and I's cars make an illegal u-turn so I know he already knows what's going on.

I call the station saying my dad and I can't come in today because of a highly contagious stomach bug or something which they believe. I'm a bit confused, though. Why didn't Jacob just link us? 'Let's lay out the facts, dummy.' My mind chastises. 1) Jacob never calls. He says it's pointless because we have 'A twin thing' aka the link. 2) We don't ever have pack meetings unless it's to consult on a change of treaties with the Cullens or who has to check the territory, but the Cullens are gone and we just switched watchers three days ago.

To put it plainly, something's wrong. But I won't know until I get to the res, which is a ten minute drive, so I turn on the radio to put my mind to rest.

⭒☆━━━TIME SKIP━━━

I pull my police cruiser onto the slightly damp grass of the reservation. I open the door stepping out as my dad walks over to me. "You know what's going on bells?" He ask's, looking over the seemingly empty reservation. "Not a clue, pops." I say, closing my car door. Just then Jacob steps out of Sam's trailer "Come on!" He urges, before heading back inside. We reach Sam's door wiping our slightly muddy shoes on the welcoming rug, Emily would serve our heads on a platter if we didn't. 'better to be safe than sorry.' My mind tells me, in which I wholeheartedly agree.

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