Why Lizzie wears a tank on her head

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Lizzie had arranged a meeting with all her allies: Joel, Pix, Katherine, Jimmy and Gem.

When they all arrived they went into a map room that was black and lighted with soul lanterns this meeting was nothing much they just took turns talking about there empires and their progress.

It was Pix's turn to talk as he was talking when Lizzie felt really light-headed she didn't think much of it and focused on what Pix was saying but it didn't take long for her to feel like she was going to fall she started swaying side to side slowly no one noticed apart from Katherine "is Lizzie okay?" Katherine thought but it kept bothering her she was worried for her friend.

Lizzie's vison soon got blurry and she felt weak and her throat felt dry she started coughing at this point everyone noticed and got worried "Lizzie are you okay?" Joel said looking over at her but she didn't answer cause she was still coughing.

Soon her coughing turns into hyperventilating she fell on her knees holding her neck and gasping for air everyone ran towards her "Lizzie want's happening" Jimmy asked worried about his sister but she couldn't respond she just kept coughing.

Katherine grabbed Lizzie arms to find out her scales where getting dryer and dryer "WATER SHE NEEDS WATER!" Katherine yells Pix pulls out a bucket of water and Gem grabs it and uses magic to make it suitable to put on lizzies head then gives it to Katherine who sticks it on Lizzie's head.

Lizzie sighs with relief and gives a thumps up to her friends showing she's okay "I'm glad your okay but how did this even happen?" Jimmy asked "well since Lizzie's a fish she probably can't breathe out of water for more than 10 min" Gem said "well I'm just glad she's okay" Joel said helping Lizzie up from the floor.

"how about we end this meeting and continue tomorrow" Pix said they all agreed and left but Joel stayed behind because even though Lizzie was fine she was tired so after helping her for the entire day he kissed her on the forehead goodbye.

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