I'll take care of you- Nature wives

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Shelby was reading a letter she got from her ally Scott 

Dear Shelby
I invite you to my base so we can have a conversation it's nothing much i just want to see how you are doing, the reason being you often seem tired and you often seem are on edge i just want to see how you are doing
Best wishes Scott

She looked through the letter and felt happy that he cared about her so after she bid a farewell to her wolves she setoff.

Scott's empire was in the mountains while her empire was in the woods that meant it would be a long flight unless she found a shortcut

*isn't Katherine's base close to Scott's maybe I could go through there* she thought and she was right Katherine's base was very close to Scott's so it was an easy shortcut, plus Shelby always loved flying over Katherine's it was so pretty with the amethyst roads, the pretty buildings, the beautiful fountain and the amazing village Shelby just found it all breath-taking.

She was looking at the kingdom she flew over admiring it's beauty that she completely forgot to watch were she was going and when she realized everything went black.

A few hours later Shelby woke up in a room and on a blue bed very dazed and she also had a pounding headache she felt her head to notice that it was wrapped in bandages so were her leg and arm, and every time she tired to move she felt a sharp pain through her body.

It had been a couple min since she woke up she couldn't move without pain shooting through her body so she was just laying there then she heard light footsteps coming into the room she was in Shelby didn't have enough time to think the she saw a female figure with brown hair and eyes, with her hair tied up in a neat bun, wearing a white fluffy looking sweater, with shorts and fairy wings poking out her back.

"K-Katherine is that y-you" Shelby stuttered as the figure got closer "yes yes it is" Katherine said touching her head "well I'm glad your here" Shelby said calmly "how did I get here" Shelby said "well, I saw you flying above my empire but you may have zoned out cause you hit one of my vines and fell into a bush unconscious and bleeding so i took you in my home and got you some bandages and put you in here" Katherine said

All of a sudden she pulled out a note "this fell out of your inventory when you fell and don't hate me but I read it" Shelby took it from her and read it "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's way i came through your base i was going to Scott's" Shelby realized "well we shouldn't keep him waiting i'll get some healing and strength potions"

And she left the room leaving Shelby alone in her thoughts at some point Katherine came back with a shulker box full of potions but before she could give it to her they both heard someone yell "KATHERINE".

She (Katherine) went to go and check who it was and standing outside was Scott ruler of Rivendell "Scott what are you doing here?" the elf and fairy locked eyes "oh Katherine there you are i was looking for you" Scott said "why so" Katherine said flying down to talk to him properly "well i sent Shrub a letter a while ago and she wasn't there so when i went to check her kingdom but she wasn't there and I got really worried and the only person she goes to way to often is YOU" the queen was trying to comprehend what he just said when she snapped back to reality she said "so your looking for Shelby?" the elf king nodded  "well lucky for you she's right here" Katherine said "really?" Scott asked "would I ever lie to you?"  Katherine said.

Katherine grabbed Scott's hand and took him inside her house and into the room where they found Shelby trying to stand up but failing at on point she fell onto the floor.


They both ran up to her making sure she was okay she was fine they helped her off the ground and onto a bed

"Shelby i was so worried when you didn't come to my empire how did you end up here" Scott said looking at her with worry in his eyes, "well you see-" Shelby started but was cut off "she hit a giant vine because she wasn't paying attention" Katherine said "really?" Scott said "yeah" Shelby said

"Katherine why do my wings hurt when ever I try to move them" Shelby asked and Katherine went full-on teacher mode "well you see in our world there are three kinds of species, the immortal beings, the half-winged and the mystical creatures and all have wings the immortals have fake wings that need some kind of power source to make the wings useable, for the half-winged they aren't born with wings instead they are blessed with them and for mystical creatures we are born with them and will die with them the main difference is that we all have different reactions to breaking wings for immortals they can just fix them, for half-winged they can feel the pain but it comes no where close to the mystics pain whenever we hurt our wings i can't really describe it but it's just pain and pain and since your a half-winged you get the same pain as one would get"

The duo looked at Katherine like she was mad "wha-" Scott said confused Katherine sighed "the wings hurt because of you species" "now i get it" Shelby said 

"well we better get going we still have our meeting remember Shelby"  Scott said looking over at her "but what about my legs" Shelby asked "oh right" then Katherine waved her hands over Shelby's leg and BOOM it was healed

"i forgot you could do that" Scott said amazed "so did I" Katherine added "welp it was fun oh and Shelby remember to try avoid flying take your potions and-" Katherine said but was cut-off "anything else caretaker-Katherine" Scott said teasingly but Katherine rolled her eyes at the comment "and take some time off remember to relax" and Katherine hugged Scott goodbye but faced Shelby got one one knee and kissed her one the forehead "take care" she whispered and they set off with Shelby comprehending what just happened

Empires smp momentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora