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*\\Criticisms are always welcome//*




Low voice/intimidating

Mad/furious Shouting



Waking up on Mondays hurt me internally and I do not want to get off of my bed. But what can I do, school forces you to wake up early and learn random things to the point that only a little over a percent can help you when you turn into an 'adult' and I'm only 19, atleast college teaches things that are actually helpful. *sigh*

Looking at the clock on the bedside drawer-


-and I have a little over an hour to get ready, eat, and commute to school, but at least I can prepare my things fast, plus I can cook relatively easy food for breakfast and just starve for lunch to save money.

Going out of my room after getting my clothes, I put the clothes on a chair near the table as I look at my fridge thinking what to cook to save a lot of ingredients. And a plain omelet is something that I can do perfectly.

After getting the eggs and butter out and putting them on the counter, I went to get the pan and put it on the stove. Put it on medium heat and put a suitable amount of butter, maybe a tablespoons worth, onto the pan to melt it while checking on it often so that it won't burn. Now crack one or two eggs in a bowl and mix it, after the butter is fully melted you add the beaten egg/s to the pan and mix it so that the eggs won't fully stick onto the pan. Learned that the hard way. When the eggs look like they're forming, put the heat on low or completely turn it off, it's your call if you want a fully cooked omelet is better or a more runny omelet, I turned the heat off because the residual heat will usually cook the egg more when I put it on my plate. Add a little garnish, and by garnish I mean ketchup. And tadaa, a rookie omelet that almost anyone can cook and is delicious.

After eating and cleaning myself up, it's time for my least favorite part of the day, school. Well cooking classes are fun but the rest are just boring.

///THIRD P.O.V///

As Tako got out of his apartment building, he went towards the bus stop near him to get to school. Pulling his phone out of his bag to look at the time-


-he still has half an hour before school starts, so he opens Yuutube to see if his favorite

streamer was live (Narrator: spoilers, she's not) but was sad to see she's not. So I opted to play some genshin to pass the time.




//After School//

*Now, we are stalking Tako going home but he doesn't know that does he? Well anyways, he didn't take the bus that he usually takes home because of some malfunction of the bus but that doesn't really care as he likes to walk home he's saving money.

After arriving at his apartment, he was thinking of the assignments that were given today, most notably the cooking one which was to bake your favorite pastry dessert. And his favorite is banana bread that he always bakes whenever he could, though with the current job that he has, the money that he gets isn't enough even if he saved two payday's worth of money. So he just sticks with what keeps him alive, and that is cheap food ingredients that are healthy and fulfilling, or just going to the cafe nearby that sells good food for cheap.

The assignment is to record yourself baking said favorite pastry with instructions on how to prepare and bake it. That's all fine with him as he'll just use his phone to record and edit it on the school given laptop. But what he didn't account for is that the gas pipe that he used was broken but wasn't giving any audio cue that it was broken so he didn't inspect it, so gas is filling his apartment room before making anything. (the window is slightly open so this is why he doesn't notice anything). While baking, he wanted to drink some hot Milo (not sponsored) so he went to the fridge to get some milk (apparently, people use milk for milo. Didn't know that and was just using water) and put some of it in a pot to heat it up.

///FIRST P.O.V///

Well, the preparation process seems to be correct as nothing bad really happened to the banana bread, but now I seem to have a strange craving for Milo. Nothing bad will happen and I'm just waiting for the bread to be finished so why not pair it with hot milo. Getting the can of Milo I just have lying in the cup boards and putting two scoops of it into a glass cup, then getting the milk I have in the fridge for the milo and putting it inside of a pot to boil it.



AGGHH, the hell just happened?

"Ahhh my head hurts, what caused the explosion?"

Gas... it happened when I used my stove... was it because of a leak... damn it don't fucking close your eyes, TRY AND LIVE MOTHERFUCKER... Never mind, it'll only be useless, the paramedics will get here but I'm probably dead by then...

"Is anyone else hurt?"

I try to look around but my vision is so blurry, probably from the impact from being blasted back from the explosion, but from what I see is that the walls were too sturdy so I'm probably the only casualty here...

"Who would've thought that my death was because of what I love..."

"It's been a long ride but I'll finally see you ma... pa..."

As my eyes slowly close, the aching pain in my body is gone as I feel nothing...

Isekai'd as a Takodachi (STOPPED/UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now