
872 26 14

*\\Criticisms are always welcome//*




Low voice/intimidating

Mad/furious Shouting




Let's rewind a bit shall we?


\\\Timestamp found. Play it?\\\

(No) [Yes]

\\\Forcing rewind...\\\


///FIRST P.O.V///

After Ina-san had just left, me and the takodachi's were laying down on a recliner couch watching some of Ina-san's past streams.

Tako: {If you guys need anything just tell me and I'll create them}

Takodachi's: Wah (Ok aniki)

After that interaction and an hour and a half later, someone knocked on the door saying-

???: Ina-san! Are you there?

Tako: {Is someone supposed to visit here?}

Takodachi: *whisper* wah wah wah (No, if there would Mama would say)

Tako: {Are you sure, maybe she forgot?)

Takodachi: *whisper* wah wah wah wah (Ao-chan would say if there was too, they wouldn't forget anything.)


What to do? Should I respond?

???: *knocking on the door* Ina-san! I'm here!

Guess I have no choice then, I wanted to not use this but it's needed. I close my eyes and imagine creating the parts inside my throat to make myself a voice while also creating the mastery of mimicry so I can sound like Ina-san. Done, let's try it out-

Tako: *whisper, in the voice of Ina* Hello, hello. Good, it's what I wanted. Do you guys mind if you stay in another place for the time being?

Takodachi's: *nods*

Tako: *whisper* Ok, stay there and let me deal with this, and I'll make supplies there so you can eat and drink.

As I create a portal to another sub-dimension of this house for the takodachi's, I asked the person outside-

Tako: *in the voice of Ina* Who is it?

???: It's me uhhhh... Pekora. Pekora is my name, can you let me in?

Tako: Is it really Pekora-Senpai? *nowhere near the door*

Pekora?: *irritated and hurried* Yes, so let me in!

Tako: I'm sorry but... *normal voice* Pekora-san doesn't speak fluent English.

???: Dammit! And who the f*ck are you, our target is Ina! She slipped away when we weren't looking.


'We', more than one then ok, I'm fine fighting more people. I sense the bodies outside, seven including the one near the door, perfect. I teleported behind the nearest one and used magic to make a mana blade that's right behind her head.

Isekai'd as a Takodachi (STOPPED/UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now