Chapter 6

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"Please sign these forms."

"And this statement."

"Do you confirm that these results belong to you?"

"Are you willing to take these tests?"

I sat in the warm room, blanket wrapped around my shoulders, pen in hand. My nose had been fine, but my brain ached from the sheer number of questions and forms that I had to answer to.

I guess I was lucky though, it wasn't as dull as the last hospital I had been at.

The afternoon sun shone lightly through the curtains, forcing me to squint at the papers in order to see the small text. I read carefully, making sure not to lock myself into anything that I couldn't fully handle.

I had already agreed to take drug tests, but that's because they wouldn't stop pestering me about them. It's not like we didn't already know what the results were going to be, but what concerned me more was everything else they wanted to test. It all had no reason.

I sat, flicking my pen between my fingers while two nurses sat on either side of me, a doctor across. The table had an ornate look to it, but clearly, it didn't have any sharp edges or anything. Too much of a hazard.

"I don't think I'm the one who should be signing these papers."

I looked up at the three. Instead of listening, they insisted that I was fine to sign them. Something about differing laws between the two species. I didn't get it, but that didn't matter.

I signed away, carefully reviewing each paper before I did, making sure not to sign my life away or anything resembling that. Most of the stuff there was just simple things, but I was sure the harder stuff would come later.

Finally when everything was done, the doctor and one of the nurses left, leaving me with just the familiar nurse once again. The stiff environment bore no fruit of socialization, so instead, we just sat there.

He didn't look at me, just stared at the window in front of him, where a large tree stood, making the light appear green around its leaves. I didn't follow this courtesy, I kept staring directly at him until, "Why am I still here?"

He shifted his gaze towards me and answered, "They have questions about what happened to the principal of your school. Mostly about your involvement in the entire affair."

"I didn't hurt him."

"I never said you did, they just want more information."


Little birds ate at my brain and dread filled my chest. Exhaling long and large I cursed at my stupidity, I wish I knew when to stop. I always ended up digging myself into holes, this one just ended up being six feet too deep.

I turned back to the nurse, "Figuring we've met two too many times now, any chance I can grab your name."

He smirked a bit, "Zachariah."

I smiled a bit at him, "It's lovely."

"It's long."

I broke out into giggles and he smiled.

Silence fell again, but this time it wasn't stiff like before. Instead, it was nice. Until it was broken by three nauseating knocks.

Zachariah stood up and made his way to the door, making my nerves run like crazy. Knowing what faced me on the opposite side of the door did help though, made it seem as if I actually had time to plan. In reality, I didn't have a clue.

Instead of being met with five dressed in all black Norgium as I was expecting, in walked Dr. George. And then she did it, the breaker, she looked at me with pure disappointment.

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