Chapter 4

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The doctor walked in. He looked a bit young, like he was still in his twenties. It was strange, especially since he was supposed to be a doctor.

He said, "Hello."


He started, "Luckily all of your tests came back near to perfect, you are physically fine."

"Great does that mean I can go."

"I have a few questions first, starting off, you mentioned in your charts that you have not had a period in the last year. Why is that?"

"I have a hormonal IUD, it stopped my period."

"I see, why did you receive this device?"

I looked at him funny, there's one big reason why people get IUDs. It's most of the time not to prevent periods. I responded, "So that I wouldn't get pregnant."

"Why did you not just practice abstinence?"

"You ask a lot of unnecessary questions, you don't need to know that."

"I apologize, I am working on my human interactions."

"No probs."

"My next question is in regards to your mental health."

My voice quieted as I said, "Alright."

"How has your depression been lately?"

"It hasn't been bad."

"Have you had any suicidal thoughts"


"That's good, have you committed any self harm."

"Also no."

"Great, do you use drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism."

I stared at him, he stared back. There was no good answer to this, I could lie and risk him knowing that I am a liar, or I could tell the truth and risk being held. After a few seconds I responded, "No answer."

"It's a yes or no question, there has to be an answer. Your drug tests would say yes."

"It's more complicated than that, I smoke marijuana to make me feel good. Not just when I am sad, alcohol is the same. I wouldn't say I'm coping, just that I'm having fun."

He nodded, definitely not understanding. I sighed, Norgium would never understand human behavior. They didn't need things to make them happy as far as I knew, they didn't use drugs or alcohol.

"Well, I think I can come to a good conclusion."


"I would like to keep you under supervision until you can be trusted to go back into society without drug problems."

I raised a brow at this, it was almost comedical.

I said, "No, I'm going back to school. Then I will go home."

"Miss, I do not think you understand. You must stay under supervision, it is for your own safety. I cannot let you leave."

"Oh really, what're you gonna' do, lock me up."

"Only if we have to, for your own safety of course."

I didn't doubt what he said, there was nothing that I knew about his kind that would prove otherwise. I grabbed his laptop as fast as I could and slammed it against his head, without waiting to see if he was okay. I sprinted away.

I felt like Usian Bolt as I ran as fast as I could, retracing the way to the entrance. Knocking a few things as I went, hoping that it would slow down anyone that followed me. I passed a nurses station and heard their gasps as they saw me running by.

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