Now that over !!

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Kelly POV:
Now that that is over ... I went home to get ready for work Diego wasn't there so I was assuming he was at practice. Me and Him share each other's location 🤷🏽‍♀️I just never check it I don't feel the need to I don't know if he checks mines that his business 😂😂 I just know I don't be cheating so. I was getting dressed when my phone started ringing...

Kelly: Hello

Unknown: Yes is this Kelly?

Kelly: yes who am I speaking with ?

Unknown: Madalin Turner, your mother

Kelly: Umm sorry Ma'am I think you have me confused with someone else my mother is dead

Unknown: Do I sound dead I mean I'm very much alive

Kelly: no I don't think u get it my mother is dead to me *hangs up * 


Ashanti POV
Hey wassup you guys long time no see.. so much to catch up on. So me & Jeff have went out on a couple of dates now I guess you can say we are just vibing with each other. I do like him a lot though he's a new breath of fresh air he's smart and knows the business so much he gives me tips on how  to expend the boutique and influencing. But Anyways my birthday is coming up and I am soooooo excited I have yet to pick a theme 😂 I'm a little ghetto so, I have tried to call Kelly for weeks but no answer I even went over Madea house to see if she was okay or if they have talk to her and she said no she hasn't so Ima call the twins and we are gonna do a drive by cause I miss my bestie 🥺♥️.

POV: Gets to Kelly House
Ashanti : *knocks on door* KELLY ITS US OPEN UP!!

Kelly: *opens door* Hey

Robyn: Damn u look horrible

Gizelle: Robyn shut the fuck please

Ashanti: For once I agree with your sister please shut the fuckin hell up ....Kelly baby why You dressed like a homeless person under I-75 bridge? Did you not go to work today honeybun? What's wrong?

Kelly: ummm Yea I called into work cause I haven't been feeling good mentally and emotionally

Gizelle: where's Diego did y'all break up?

Kelly: No we didn't break up he's at practice he didn't wanna leave me honestly but I need him to play in the game I don't want them to drop him I care about his career too

Robyn: understandable so what's got you in a funk?

Kelly: Um I got a call *pours wine*

Gizelle: from?

Kelly: My mother *drinks*

Ashanti: your mother?

Kelly: yup

Robyn: didn't you say your mother was dead?

Kelly: *pours  more wine*  she's dead to me *sips wine*

So I know earlier I said my mom died but she's dead to me. Here's how to story goes when my mom was pregnant with me she didn't quite know who my father was as she had sex with two different men like a week apart. So the man who she set up to be my dad was very abusive mentally, emotionally, physically he did some things to me that wasn't supposed to be done to a little girl. I told my mom but he always brought her shit to cover it up and if she didn't believe him enough he would take it back or do much worse. My biological dad always been around but according to my mom he was my uncle but wasn't really my uncle that just what she would tell the guy. One day I told him what has been going on when I spent the night at his house he would always keep me back then he knew he was my father ... but after I told him we went back to my house n he beat the fucc up whole time my mother telling him to stop. She then confessed who was my real father and who wasn't ... so he threatened to leave and because she depended on him so much he made an ultimatum she stays here and live a big happy family life or she can keep living the life she's been living but just not have me ... she didn't hesitate to leave and that really pissed of my dad hated my mom ever since and so did I. I feel like a mother should always choose their kids no matter what my mom was like a luxury housewife with that man was spoiled asf and I guess it came to mind that if she chose me and my father he wouldn't be able to give her what she was use to plus she would have to work. She was a spoiled lazy bitch but deep down I do believe if she would have stay would have gotten that lifestyle and more and be actually happy but hey that's on her now and I want no parts of anything she's trying to put on me.

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