The life of Kelly

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Me and my boyfriend Diego have been together   For 5months. He's a football player  he was playing for the San Diego Sabers😍, he's in the middle of trading to Atlanta. We met at the club 🙄 I know it sounds cliché but him and the team was celebrating a win and I was celebrating a win on a case. As I was getting another Bottle of champagne 🍾 he came over to say Hi. I'm not gonna lie I thought he was a waiter cause of what he was wearing 😂I mean you can tell he was a rookie. But, he got bank even though that not why I'm with him I mean I got my own so never really need that nigga for anything. We moved in together after 3months and I still can't get use to it .

Kelly: * in the restroom brushing teeth*

Diego: *comes in the restroom and kisses Kelly on the neck from behind* Buenos dias hermosa

Kelly: Buenos días, guapo 😘

Diego: I see you've been practicing your Spanish

Kelly: I have a wonderful teacher *turns around😘😘😘😘*

Diego:So what's on the agenda for today

Kelly: so I'm going to my aunts house to pick her up for this court case 🙄 and then I'm going to the boutique to go see wassup with Ashanti.

Diego: I don't understand why your aunt gets in so much trouble

Kelly: well,when I finally introduce you to her your gonna understand completely but until then your just gonna have to hear about it I gotta go bye😘


So let me tell y'all about my aunt. She is very flamboyant🙄 she can't stay out of trouble if you gave her a million dollars . Because she would always find a way to get pulled over by the cops or end up on the news. She's been like this all my life it scary but, then you get used to it I mean she did raise me and I did come out pretty good. My aunt raised me after my mom died and my dad just couldn't handle it. I guess it's because I look like her so much💕. But, my aunt never let me forget her, she would tell me stories about her, show me pictures & videos. I felt like she was their with me every step of the way.

Kelly:*rings doorbell*

???:who is it

Kelly: it's me Kelly

???: who is it Joe?

Joe: it's the Grim reappear hopefully it's coming to take u to hell

???:*coming down the stairs* stfu hell I hope it's coming to take me too. That way I can come back and kill ya ass without leaving any evidence turn ya breathing machine off n die just die joe straight to hell and die


???: say one more thing*opens door* aaahh kiwi

Kelly:* walking in* hey Madea and it's Kelly aunt Madea Kelly🙄

Madea:awe naw baby I'm allergic to that, I eat that  and become bigger than I already am

Joe: she said her name is Kelly dumb Ass KEL-LLLY like R.Kelly

Kelly: we don't speak on thaaat man 😬😬....anyways we need to hurry up and get to your court case

Madea: isn't he that man that sings that song 🎵 you knooow you want my loving, you got me twisted it over you 🎶 yess he so fine

Kelly: No that Keith Sweat

Madea: Keith who👀

Kelly:Keith Sweats

Madea: oh naw baby I don't know anyone name Keith nor do I know what he does baby that him and his business

Kelly:🌚you know what ima jut go what for you in the car

Kelly:so your honor as you can see my client is was only letting out her anger as the company management was on the phone talking to her "baby father" letting time pass as my client was sitting there 15mins waiting on her order to be taken. Now your honor I demand that my client doesn't pay for any damages and gets an apology from the manager.

Judge: Ms.Simmons I will granted you 3months of anger management 2months of Probation..... now please don't come in my courtroom again or I won't be so nice and the other party will apology to Ms.Simmons

Madea: ooooooo your honor thank ya so murch .. your so nice and kind😇I promise you won't see me again for 5months


Madea:🤣🤣I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'll try to stay out of the big house *walking out talking to the girl * and I'll see you in the streets

Judge:MAPLE !!!

Madea:* continues walking mouthing * I'll see you at 3'O clock

Madea: oooohhh kiwi we did it chile ...I am freee *gets out the car*

Kelly:Madea please stay out of  trouble 🙄

Madea: I will child I will

Kelly: I'm serious

Madea: I am too

Kelly:ok good now I'm going to Ashanti Shop if u need anything you have my number *drives off* and my name ain't no damn kiwi 🙄

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