Not-Orange's death (alternate)

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Blue and Not-Orange were walking around the lava on Polus, the night sky glittered with stars. Just then, the ground gave out, and they started fall.

Not-Orange: "look out! 

Blue landed on a cliff, and Not-Orange grabbed his foot.

Not-Orange: "help me up!"

Blue looked at him with an angry look on his face, then he started to kick him.

Blue: "I have had enough of you!"

He kicked Not-Orange one more time, causing him fall.

Not-Orange: "NOOOO!"

Blue crawled up and went over to some crates, Mr. Egg ran over to him.

Mr. Egg: "Blue, are you alright?"

Blue: "don't worry, I'm fine, all I need is some rest."

Mr. Egg: "wait, what happened to Not-Orange?"

Blue: "he left to get warmed up."

Blue lad against the crate, he needed the rest.

(Not-Orange alternate death, plus a Star Trek reference.)

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