Early Suspicions

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24 hour earlier...

Not-Orange: "Blue and I found a body in admin, and Player was next to it."

Player: "it wasn't me!"

Not-Orange: "it had to be you, you were the only one there."

Sherif: "yeah, I'm sold."

Veteran stood up, he wanted to save Player from death.

Veteran: "Not-Orange, did you say that Blue was with you?"

Not-Orange: "yeah, why do you ask?"

Blue: "I've been with Mr. Egg for the last 3 hours."

Stoner: "that's suspicious of you, Not-Orange."

Veteran: "plus, motive do you think Player would have?"

Not-Orange: "he could be one of those rebels, the ones that the Empire will destroy."

Veteran: "you mean, the rebels that are winning the war?"

Blue: "yeah, those rebels have made many achievements, including their riad on the Terra 3 Penal colony."

Not-Orange: "this is off subject, we need the vote off Player."

Captain: "all in favor of skipping, say aye."

Everyone, minus Not-Orange and Noob, voted to skip.

When everyone left to do tasks, Player pulled Veteran aside.

Veteran: "what's up, Player?"

Player pulled Veteran into a hug, causing Veteran to blush.

Player: "thanks for defending me."

Veteran: "y-your... your welcome."

They went their separate ways, but Veteran followed Player by using the vents. Player went into the port engine room, Noob was there, and she was angry.

Noob: "Player, you and I are over!"

Player: "what?"

Noob: "you're thinking of joining the rebellion, that's a bad idea!"

Player: "no, it's not!"

Noob: "those rebels will lead Earth to ruin."

Veteran clenched his fists, he hated Noob even more than the day they met.

Player: "those rebels have a good moral code, much better than the Milky Way Empire."

Noob: "that's it, you and I are over!"

Player: "fine!"

Veteran smiled at what Player had become, an idealist, some one who he could recruit to fight for Polus, and for freedom.

Player and Noob stormed out, and Veteran jumped out of a vent in the Warp Reactor room, just before Player arrived.

Player: "hey Veteran, what are you doing?"

Veteran: "unlocking the warp manifold."

Player: "OK, BTW, I just got dumped."

Veteran: "I know, I heard everything."


Veteran: "yes, and I am happy that you want to join the rebellion, those rebels are going to bring Earth out of tyranny. I'm even thinking about joining them."

Player: "really, we could join then, together."

Veteran: "that sounds great."

Little did they know, they didn't need to wait to long.

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