Chapter 4

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The rain came down heavy like rocks. Blue quickly climbed a big oak tree. He looked around the area. He saw a younger version of himself running across a dark road. Tears were in his deep blood-red eyes. Blue didn't remember doing everything like this. He watched quietly like a hawk. The younger version of him had cuts and scars all over his face. He recognized where he was. This was the border of Ivy Town and Ninjago City. He has been here a few times before. The younger version of him started to run.

"Blue, watch out!" Borg screamed.

Borg had been following him. Blue was hit by a red car. The blood went everywhere. The young boy let out a scream like a mad man. He rolled onto the ground. Blue leaped off the tree. The rain made it hard to see. He leaped over to the younger version of him. P.I.X.A.L stepped to them. Blue picked up the younger version of him into his wings. Borg looked at him shocked. P.I.X.A.L looked at him worried and confused. Blue started to run. The people in the red car jumped out of the car. They ran up to him. The younger version of him was bleeding out like a river.

"Please take him to the hospital!" Borg screamed.

"I will! Don't worry!" Blue snapped back.

Blue took flight. The rain made it hard to see anything at all. He had the younger version of him on his back. He was screaming like a rat. The blood got over Blue's night-black coat. He stopped at the hospital. He carefully walked into the perfect white hospital. His dark skin shone in the blinding light. He quickly talked to the worker at the desk. He gave the younger version of him to the worker. He turned around to see Cyrus Borg and P.I.X.A.L watching him.

"Who are you?" Cyrus Borg.

"I'm Blue. You know me." Blue smiled.

"This should not be," P.I.X.A.L said to both of them.

"But it is, Pix." Blue said.

"How did you get here? Where did you come from? Why are you here?" Borg asked worriedly.

"That's not important right now," Blue said.

"What do you mean?" Cyrus Borg asked.

"How do you know my name?" P.I.X.A.L asked.

"Because I'm Blue and I know you." Blue hissed.

"What just happened?" Blue asked.

"Al has just been made leader of Ivy Town. Why did you run away?" Borg asked.

"Because Al is a terrible leader and father. He will destroy everything in his way." Blue told them.

"Are you a time traveler?" Borg asked.

"Yes." Blue said without thinking.

Blue wasn't a time traveler however he wanted to stop Al. Al indeed was a terrible father and would make a terrible leader. He couldn't allow him to rule the town. Al would kill whoever is in his way no matter who it is. The idea of him being a leader made him feel sick. How could anyone allow this? Blue was disgusting by his father. The system in Ivy Town was broken like ice. People made Blue so mad sometimes.

"I... Wow um..." Borg said quietly.

"Time travel isn't real." P.I.X.A.L

"But who this is then?" Borg asked her.

"I'm not sure." She said.

"You cannot allow Al to be the leader. Please Borg you have to do something!" He said.

"How?" Borg asked.

"No time to talk!" Blue yelled.

"Wait come back!" Borg screamed.

Blue turned around and started to run. He leaped out of the hospital like lightning. The rain hadn't stopped. He leaped up in the air and started to fly. He looked around in the sky for any signs of the cave. Nothing. He stepped onto a tall powerful tower. The rain got even worse. Blue washed the rain out of his face. He sat down to watch the world. Blue wasn't sure what to do. What about his father and sister? What about his timeline? Blue was unsure and worried. He leaped off to start to fly. His wings were open and big. His eyes were bright and red like blood. He went over to Ivy Town.

Ivy Town had a big stone castle in the middle. The houses were small and brown like a fairytale. However, nothing in that town was magical or good. Al was sitting on his new chair. He had long black and dark green hair like toxic waste. He had dark and deep skin and wild green eyes. His eyes were reddish-orange like the dawn. His tail was big feathery and snake green. His face was scarred like an old oak tree. His nails were dirty and long. He was taller than a mountain. His voice was dark and heavy as a storm. He was bigger than a tiger. His outfit was covered in iron and shiny rich gems. His fluffy feathery ears were covered in ant size scars. His nose was sharp like ice.

"Greetings!" Al smiled.

"Unfortunately Mud, our old leader, has died. Now I will lead our town. I must pick the second in command." Al said as he looked down at all the people.

"The new second in commend is Badger Trustman." Al told the town.

Blue thought Badger was pretty ugly but not evil like Al. He had soot-black hair with also white green color. His skin was pale like ice. His eyes were an ivy green and deep like a river. He was in all blood red. His body seemed to be all bones no skin. He got up and smiled. He had big dark also black green wings. His tail was big like a hawk's. Blue hope he didn't plan to work with Al. He leaped to Al's side. Al got up and smiled. Blue started to panic. This could be the end of Ninjago city as he knew it. Al would surely burn everything down in his way. Rage rushed into Blue's heart. He hated Al with every price of his soul. He couldn't think right. He was feeling lightheaded. Blue opened up his wings. His red eyes followed Al. He started to fly away into the deep blue sky. He hoped Al died painfully.

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