The Teachers Chip ( Chapter 1 )

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"I don't know what to wear"
"I am a fool nobody will like me"
"is this even real??"
" Do I even exist?"
"will people think I'm good enough?"

Celeste woke up to her extremely loud alarm clock. She realized that she had a dream. It took place in a meadow of flowers and she was wondering if she was even good enough and if she was a real human being or not. The dream was very nostalgic, as if she was 6 or 7 years old again. Most of the people in her dream had TV heads and eyes for heads, she was surrounded by many angels with eyes covering their wings. Celeste really wanted to go back to sleep but when she woke up she went to look at her calendar. The day was circled in bright red pen color, Today was the first day of school.

Celeste quickly got dressed and braided her hair into twin braids and ran down stairs to see that her mom was making bacon and eggs for breakfast. "Hey mom what are you packing me for lunch??" said Celeste in a nervous tone. Her mother replied with "Your favourite sandwich with chips and oranges and chocolate covered donuts!!" Celeste was happy so she began to sit down and eat her breakfast.

After breakfast she hugged her mom goodbye and went to go walk to the bus stop outside of her house. Celeste had her backpack and lunch box and her brand new shoes. She saw many missing posters and wondered why because her town usually never has people going missing, not to mention her town is a very great and safe place to live.

Celeste headed over to sit on the bench right at the stop sign where the bus use to come last year when she was in 7th grade. It was her last year of middle school. She waited for the bus and it finally arrived. she quickly got on and noticed that her friend Leo and his twin sister were sitting in the back row and she rushed to go sit with them.

"Hey Celeste haven't seen you in awhile, good to see you!" said Leo. They were all in one seat because apparently the seat can fit three people at a time. Celeste questioned "So you guys have matching hoodies today?" "yup!" said Leanne also known as Leo's twin sister. Celeste pulled something out of her cross body bag, it was bandaids and many other things incase of an emergency. She pulled out the bandages because she noticed Leo had a cut on his face. Leo stuttered "Th-th-thanks Celeste.. I scratched my face earlier today." Celeste noticed he said that in a very nervous tone.

Celeste shrugged it off and put the bandaids back into her cross body and pulled out her water bottle from her lunch box and took a sip, the water was very fresh and cold. then she put it back and Leanne asked "Wow your mom packed you a lot of food"
"Yeah!! More than I expected I guess" Leanne giggled.

The bus then came to a stop at the school and all the people including Leo,Leanne and Celeste got off. She saw all the other kids just now entering the school. Celeste kept falling and kept getting tumbled over because the middle school and the High school were connected so there was High schoolers pushing her over when most of the other people were already inside the classes.

Celeste finally found her home room class which was science and she came to realization Leanne and Leo were in the same class as her. "Hello I am your homeroom teacher Mrs. Shammy and I am the science teacher, so for today the first thing we are gonna learn about is astronomy but before we begin I shall tell you all a little about myself." As Mrs. Shammy was talking about herself she mentioned she was very intelligent and told the class her and her husband and kids use to live in Indonesia and her kids would study the stars when they were there and that ever since she wondered if there was any other reality's and what's beyond space and said she was working on trying to figure it out.

Celeste was obsessed with space so she had to help figure it out so that she can impress her teacher and the class. All the students said stuff about them selves too. A girl named Charlie stood up and Celeste could tell she was very shy. She was Celeste's old best friend from Elementary school that moved back this year. Charlie said she liked To draw liminal spaces and weird creatures that come to her head. Charlie's hair was died light pink and Charlie had a very cute charm bracelet her cousin gave her for her 14th birthday back in May of that year.

Later in Art class Celeste got to know Charlie again and this was Leo and Leanne's first time meeting Charlie. Charlie was drawing some weird tall creature that Leo thought was very creepy, he likes to act tough but in reality he's a total wuss. But Leanne thought the drawing was cool. Celeste asked if they wanted to go to her house later that evening to hang out again and made a deal to study what's outside of space with them to impress Mrs. Shammy.

Later it was around 6:30 PM and Celeste's mom was talking to Charlie's mom a lot because they were good friends at work. Leo and Leanne were studying there books with Charlie while Celeste was gathering up stuff like color pencils and crayons to color a drawing of a concept of what they imagine is outside space if there is an end to it to show the teacher the next day.

Soon night fall came and all of Celeste's friends had left. But Leo had forgotten his watch at Celeste's place and same with one of Charlie's drawings. Celeste thought Charlie's drawing was weird bc it was a drawing of a dude with a security camera as a head and the body was a human man with a suit. It was oddly strange because Celeste saw that thing in her dream last night. She shrugged it off and stuck Leo's watch as well as Charlie's drawing into her backpack before going to sleep.

Celeste had trouble falling asleep but when she did, she had a dream where she went to heaven and all the angels were telling her to eat micro chips and to please eat the micro chips. she awoken the next morning perfectly fine but she had the urge to see if her teacher had something in her office to get inspiration for the project her and her friends were making.

Later at school in science class she was writing down facts about the Milky Way Galaxy until she turned around and told Leanne about the dream she had about angels forcing her to eat micro chips. Because for some odd reason Celeste has strange dreams. Leanne said when she was turning in her paper there was a small envelope on Mrs. Shammys desk that nobody was aloud to touch.

Celeste obviously wanted to know what was in the letter, then Leanne whispered into Celeste ear that when everyone leaves the classroom and when Mrs. Shammy goes to her office and brings the envelope with her Celeste should try to steal it.

By the time it was lunch, Celeste had a whole bunch of food in her lunch box but she didn't feel very hungry. But Leo, Celeste, Leanne and Charlie moved away from the other students to their own table farthest from the teachers so that the other students and the teachers wouldn't here their plan to steal the letter. Charlie noticed that all the teachers were eating so she whispered to Celeste "Pretend like you are going to the bathroom, the teachers office is next to the bathroom and none of the teachers are in there, I can see through this little window."

Celeste said "I can't do this! can Leo do it? he's more sneakier." Leo agreed to do it and ended up sneaking into the teachers office, luckily the door was unlocked. he saw Mrs. Shammy's desk and saw the envelope, so he opened it and there was a big microchip so he put it in his pocket and rushed out as fast as he could.

Leo showed them the chip, it was basic and boring like any other micro chip and each of them took turns examining the chip. Leanne was the last one to look, she thought it was the most boring thing to exist and placed it on the table, she said in frustration "What even is this junk used for! I mean just look at it like why would a teacher need hide this from any students from touching it?!?"

They all were kinda disappointed but they began walking to their English class.

Celeste kept the chip in her pocket and was doing one of her assignments and by the end of class all the kids left to their lockers and it was just the four friends in the classroom. while they were gathering there stuff to go to to the next class the chip fell on the floor and ended up breaking. It landed by Zoey's desk, aka the popular girl, but she already left the class. Celeste was in a panic looking under the desk to find the chip and Leo thought she was loosing her mind. The chair started glitching in and out of reality and Charlie, Leo and Leanne all had a weird surprised look on their face.

The chair ended up glitching through the floor and disappearing. "What the hell?!?" Leo said in a frightened tone. Celeste started to poke the exact same spot that the chair was in, but then she ended up falling into some strange place. Charlie and Leo started to panic and went where she was standing, they ended up falling in too. Leanne was extremely scared but she really wanted to know what happened, she was gonna tell the teacher who was right outside the classroom but she had to see where they went so she stood right on the spot where the chair was and then she fell too.

They all fell right through the floor and landed on there faces. They all felt like something weird just happened but they all helped each other up and realized they weren't in the classroom anymore....

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