A new area ( chapter 3 )

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As they all noticed they were in a new area they knew they were not home at all. Celeste realized they were standing on a little white platform. Leanne took a look behind her and realized the portal was gone. They were somewhere new.

Leo saw there was windows. He ran to one and saw that it was just a big void with no light source. The smell of chlorine aggravated Charlie's nose because she was sensitive to smells. The waters in the pool were very VERY clean.

Leo dipped his hand into the water and scooped some out and sniffed it. " This smells like almond water " He said while sniffing his hand dramatically. " Why the absolute fuck are you sniffing your hand still you are so weird " Leanne said disgusted.

They started to walk until they noticed a huge room full of water and the only way they could get to the other side was from swimming. Luckily Celeste cross body was leather and closed tightly so no water can get in.

" I really don't want to get wet " Celeste sighed. " But it's the only way!!! Leanne said why putting her hand on Celeste shoulder. Looking over at the windows Leo saw it was getting night time there, But as soon as it was night it wasn't dark. He saw that there was still light coming in from 4 moons and a ton of stars.

After all Leo decided to cannon ball into the pool. He splashed Celeste so Celeste was kinda mad. " BRO WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUMP IN THERE WAS A STAIR CASE OVER THERE!! " she groaned. Charlie went down those stairs and so did Leanne. As soon as Leanne got in, the stair case disappeared. So Celeste had to jump in like Leo did.

As Celeste was looking for the perfect spot to jump in at she slipped on one of the puddles Leo had caused when he was jumping in. Leo ended up catching her so that she wouldn't go all the way under because Celeste can't really swim well.

" Let go of me this water isn't even that deep. " Celeste said. They started to swim and dive to the other side. But Charlie ended up getting pulled under water. " GUYSS SOMETHING IS PULLING MEE!!! " She tried to swim for her dear life but luckily they all got out safely.

There was a wale jumping in and out of the water. " Why is there a small wale in the pool" said Leanne.
" This is a weird dimension there's gonna be twist." Said Celeste.

After all there was an exit sign and they ran through that exit.

They all noticed they were in a pink house. The walls were painted pink. There was kawaii anime manga posters,Hello kitty plushes, Pastel fluffy stuffed animals, and anything cute and kawaii. The place wasn't really big but it was a cute pastel house.

Charlie realised her bracelet matched this place. It was pink with a pastel blue dog head and lots of cute charms. Just as Leanne was gonna close the door she turned around and noticed it was gone. They all started to look around at all these cute decorations.

Celeste saw the kitchen and on a counter it said on the note:
ʍя Ќɨţţ¥$ ℓ๏˅€ℓ¥ Ќɨţȼh€ɲ ♡♡♡
Celeste couldn't really read it well until looking more closely at it. She sat the note down and turned around and saw a tall black humanoid man standing behind her sipping tea. Celeste screamed and Leanne,Leo and Charlie sat the stuff they were looking at down and rushed to where Celeste was. " CELESTE ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Leanne said
"Yes but who is this dude?" The tall man picked up the note and showed the four and said " I'm Mr Kitty!"

Celeste was still terrified but Mr Kitty was showing them all that he was friendly. " I'm Celeste and this is Charlie, Leo and Leanne! " Mr Kitty said " Well my wife looks like me but she is in another level and she will be home soon or another day I do not know what to give her for when she comes back." Mr Kitty said in a sad tone. " Umm so why don't you give her any of this stuff you got here?? " Charlie said. Mr kitty told her that all the stuff here was cute stuff given by other travelers who ended up on this level. " Your hair is just so pretty young lady!" Mr Kitty said to Charlie. " Charlie said " Thanks! "

Charlie gave her bracelet to him to give to his wife because it barely even fit her anymore. Mr Kitty was a nice dude and offered some bright pastel food his wife made for travelers later ago. He gave them all some food and he gave towels to them because they were all still kinda wet from the pool rooms.

" So Mr Kitty what is this weird dimension called?? " said Leo while chewing his donut in his mouth. " These are called the backrooms everything has a twist. This place was made from an experiment accident from a few years ago and creatures like me no clipped here. There is levels that are way to dangerous and that you really need to be careful on. The first entity's here got there own level just like me and my wife. " MR Kitty said. He told them all about this area and what to do to help survive. He also told them that the almond water will help them live and that when he was on Level zero there were friendly entity's making the carpets wet and full of almond water to help other entity's survive in and be healed from hostile entity's.

MR Kitty saw the kids were exhausted and saw that they should sleep on the living room of his house.
He covered them up in fluffy pink blankets and went to his bedroom to go to sleep.

The girls fell asleep instead of Leo. Leo glanced over at Celeste. He remembered that he saved her from almost drowning. He remembered the times he felt nervous around her as if something was wrong with her. He saw that her bag was next to her he tip toes to the couch she was sleeping on. He peeked into her bag and saw a note pad and pencil. He took it out. He started to write. " Umm so you may not know this but I have a crush on you and yes I have stolen your fucking book. I just started having a crush on you just now but ehhh yeaaaa but you have to figure out who this is though "

He wasn't really sure about that and he thought what he made was cringe. He put the notepad back into Celeste cross body bag and closed it. He ended up tripping and waking up Leanne. " You fucking idiot I am trying to sleep so that we can get out of this hellish hole now leave me alone get back to sleep what are you even doing walking around anyways?? " Leanne said. " Oh u was just throwing away the rest of my food!! " Leo said and then giggled very nervously.

Leanne noticed Celeste bag was laying somewhere it wasn't before Celeste went to sleep. Since Leanne is a smart person she knew Leo was messing around with Celeste stuff but didn't want to fight with him because you know siblings do that obviously. She just kept that thought in her mind. Leo eventually went to sleep.

Mr Kitty was making breakfast. Charlie woke up to the smell of Bacon and Eggs. She woke up and walked to MR Kitty and asked him. " Wow that looks delicious I never knew you could cook so great. " Mr Kitty said thanks to Charlie and told her to awaken the others telling them breakfast was finished.

They ate the breakfast and then they all had to take a bathroom break. Mr Kitty showed them where the bathroom was.

Mr Kitty loves wondering Backrooms travelers. He gave Charlie a new bracelet as a thank you for giving him something to give to his wife. Mr Kitty said " you guys cannot stay much longer because more entity's and travelers might come but I shall send you to another safe level but it will not be as safe as this one but safe enough where you can be" The four understood and were all teleported into somewhere new and somewhere very very interesting....

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