Level 0 ( Chapter 2 )

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Celeste took a look around and saw she and her friends were in a strange place that wasn't the classroom. Charlie was still laying on the ground passed out. Leo tried shaking her to see if she would awake. Charlie awoken, but when she did she was shocked and thought she was in a dream.

Leanne tried to convince her that she wasn't in a dream and this was pure reality. The walls were covered in yellow wallpaper and the carpet was a normal beige color, it was wet and soggy a tiny bit. The lights were yellow too, and there was a buzzing noise coming from the lights. The area was very humid and hard to breath in, this place looked like an office, but there was no furniture, no nothing, just long empty halls seeming as if they were a maze. There were outlets for chargers incase there phones died.

Since Leo was a scaredy cat, He was freaking out! Celeste tried to calm him and said to him "Leo you are alright it's not like we're gonna be here forever there's gotta be a way out." Once Celeste said that Leanne jumped to see if she could escape through the ceiling but she was not tall enough to even touch the ceiling. Charlie tried standing on Leanne's shoulders because they both used to do gymnastics, Charlie barley grasped the ceiling when Leanne was holding her up. The ceiling was solid when they fell through, as if they went though matter, so it would be pointless.

Leo decided to be a dumbass and push his hand into the wet carpet, A whole bunch of water came out. He poked his finger in it then licked his finger. "I think it's almond water...?" Leanne looked disgusted and said "why would you taste water in some random place you've never been before???? IN A CARPET TOO?? The fuck is wrong with you like actually." But Leo couldn't give two flying fucks.

After all Charlie thought this was just a place underneath the school. But Celeste denied that because when she was falling her head felt weird. It felt as if her consciousness was being shifted, She felt like she was glitching out of reality. But of course she asked the others if they felt the same way and they all felt the same way.

Leo remembered the other day when he was on the bus, he noticed there was people missing that usually took the bus to school.

"Do you think other people have fallen into this strange place before?" Charlie questioned. They all decided that they should stay together and try to find an exit.

It has been three hours, they were exhausted and gave up hope but Celeste looked down at her waist where her cross body was and saw her water bottle was still in there. Somehow she had fresh cold water like she did yesterday. She had a second bottle but it was smaller because cross body's can only hold two cups. She decided to fill the smaller cup with the almond water that was in the carpet and study it if she ever left this creepy place.

They all felt super hungry but luckily Celeste had a few snacks in her cross body that was leftover from lunch. She pulled out some juice boxes and handed them to the others and some chocolate donuts from a ziplock bag. They were all still hungry but they were scared they will run out of food and starve to death.

Sooner or later Charlie tripped against a wall and made a loud noise. Charlie was alright but then as soon as Leanne helped her up they all heard a noise approaching them.

It was a cat. It had white and black fur. Celeste kneeled down and pet the cat and the cat started to pur. Celeste looked at the tag of the cat, it read "Samantha" Samantha kept rubbing herself against Celeste leg when Celeste stood up. Samantha had a micro chip on her collar and started to walk away from Celeste and the other three. She started running and Celeste desperately wanted to keep Samantha, as she adored cats.

The other three started to chase Samantha, they didn't know if Samantha was running from them or if she was trying to lead the four somewhere. Until they ended up loosing Samantha. They all just stood there resting until another strange noise came. Charlie took a hair tie off her wrist and put her box braids into a pony tail so she wouldn't sweat and so her hair wouldn't get in her face. Charlie heard fast running while putting up her ponytail, and something was running towards the four. It was a strange creature screaming at them in a distorted voice. Charlie tried to get the others attention and pointed at the thing that was running towards them.

Leo screamed "GUYS WE GOTTA RUN HURRY!!!!" they all ran as fast as they could and the terrifying creature kept screaming in a distorted voice. "DO NOT GO! DO NOT GO STAY HERE PLEASE."

Obviously the creature was terrifying. Celeste heard the monster say  "DON'T GO" but she didn't wanna risk her life getting killed by that thing, so they all hid behind a wall. They didn't think that the creature was still there, and Leanne tried to catch her breath. All there hearts were pounding, They were all scared as fuck. Leo said "Guys that was terrifying there's no way we're under the school we're definitely in a different dimension" "Yeah and we all felt weird when falling through the ceiling, this shit straight out of a horror movie." said Leanne leaning over with her hand on her chest and the other hand on the wall trying to catch her breath.

Charlie felt like she was gonna pass out but there was one juice box left and Celeste gave it to Charlie. Charlie remembered she can't run too much, if she does it will result in her passing out. She didn't wanna run from anything else because if there in another dimension there was no doctors or anything that could help.

Leo peeked out behind that corner and saw the thing was gone. They all saw a weird glowing ball of light just floating there. Celeste went to go poke it to see what it would do. The ball of light exploded and knocked Celeste back onto her butt cheeks. She looked up and saw a door looking thing into a pool Area. Leo said "maybe that's a way out let's go over there!!!" They all walked into the area and realized they were on a new level....

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