RÜÑ FØR YÖŪR ŁĮFĖ ( chapter 7 )

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Celeste kneeled down in this weird party level and saw her shoe lace was untied. But somehow without even touching it, It was tied again! Leo ended up walking into a wall. " Bros an idiot he didn't even watch where he was going!!! " Leanne said but realized that Leo was gone. " Maybe hes in another area maybe we should try to walk into that same wall! " Celeste said while crossing her arms. " I mean if we have to then yeah. " Charlie said shrugging her shoulders.

The four walked into the wall where Leo went and saw that they were in a weird abandoned hospital. Stella realized that this was a very dangerous level but didn't wanna freak out the others so she only told Leanne. " GUYS STELLA SAID THIS IS A VERY DANGEROUS PLACE TO BE WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE " Leo turned around and screamed.
" Leo your gonna get us killed!!! " Charlie said while holding back her tears because she is very sensitive.
Celeste knew that Charlie was about to cry. She gave Charlie a hug. " What are you so sensitive for? " Celeste said while trying to comfort her.

Charlie knew she got bullied a lot and told Celeste about how she regretted dying her box braids a beautiful light pink color and now people from there school call her sour cotton candy. Charlie has had trauma throughout school and is scared she won't be able to fight back whatever comes at her in this weird place they are in.

As soon as Leo fixed his hair he noticed that the alarms in this weird level started going off. " Uhhh guys WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!! " Then there was a loud scream coming from behind the five in the hallway. " RUN PLEASEEEE NOWWW!!! " Stella shouted at the top of her lungs. They all ran for there lives jumping over things scattered in the hallway following Stella. Charlie kept trying to hold back her tears as she ran for her life. While there was entities chasing them while they were all trying to find a way to no-clip out of this level.

Leo quickly grabbed Celeste hand. " I need to tell you something. " Leo said while running and almost out of breathe. " It really isn't the time Leo. " As she was almost out of breath too. " But I have a crush on you Celeste I'm sorry I had to tell you this before we freaking die! " Celeste just looked at him. She wasn't surprised at all.

Celeste knew Leo had a crush on her it was very obvious. The whole time she felt like something was up.

A lot of weird looking creatures were chasing after the five. They all had terrified looks on there faces. Celeste honestly thought this was it her life was over to a stupid chip that her and her friends stole.
Stella ran into a room and hid behind a tipped over hospital bed. The others behind her. There hearts were racing as if they were in a marathon.

" I don't know what to say why are the alarms going off! " Leanne said trying to catch her breath. " It's the end. " Stella said while just staring into the distance of the room they were all in. " Bro I wanted to be a famous football player one day yet I'm gonna die how great. " Leo said doing the face palm. Leanne took a photo out of her pocket in her Jean shorts that went to the top of her knees and found a picture of her and Leo's older sister Erin. " We will be with you soon. "

A small tear drop dripped from Leanne's face onto the photo of her and Leo's older sister who has recently died. Charlie felt like she was gonna pass out from all the anxiety and fear building up in her brain.

Stella just sat there staring for no reason until she glitches. " Stella are you alright? " Celeste said
Stella started to just glitch and glitch until she randomly disappeared. The red alarms got louder and brighter to the point most of the darkness in the abandoned room was full of red light.

Leo gave his twin sister a hug and said " Leanne you will be alright I mean I kinda feel bad for mom and dad for loosing all three of there kids but you get to see Erin soon and that's a good thing don't be scared we all have to witness death at some point. Leanne wiped her tears away and looked up at Leo " I guess your right finally a time where your not annoying as fuck. " Leanne said.

Celeste literally did not wanna die and was mad and started to cry. " I wish I didn't wanna bother getting that stupid chip in the first place this is all my fault I'm worthless and it's probably all my fault that Stella just disappeared I'm literally a nobody!!"

Charlie felt bad and leaned in to give the other three a hug.

They all hugged each-other as the lights got brighter and louder and as the entities flooded the hallway trying to find them all.

They all closed there eyes waiting for something to happen. Celeste knew Leo had a crush on her but then right then she quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek right before they were about to die and for all they done for each-other and through all that happened but Celeste still felt guilty and felt bad for Leo and Leanne's parents because they were gonna loose two more kids.

The place started to shake and Leo looked up and saw a water slide. "Guys is it normal for a water slide to just appear like that. Charlie looked up too and pushed her glasses up to see if it was real. Celeste was like " Let's go down it we're still gonna die anyways.

" Leanne thought this was the most stupidest idea ever but went for it anyways. The four all went down the water slide that had  lights that were like the first place they were at.

Charlie was still scared for her life. they all slid down the very long slide. As Leo was sliding he said to the others at the top of the tube. " Doesn't the water smell like almond water. " Celeste looked down at him and heard his echo sentence from the slide. " Yea it's literally everywhere. "

After about a lot of minutes of sliding there hair was all wet. " I thought we were gonna die I guess not. " Leanne said happily. They felt as if this slide was never gonna end.

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