Level 32 (chapter 4)

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( This Chapter was written by one of my best friends Basil credits to Basil :D!!!)

The others looked around, they were in a forest surrounded with tall skinny trees, the place was very humid and foggy which made Leo's stomach twist in fright. "Erm. This place doesn't look safe at all, are you sure Mr. kitty put us in the right place...?" Leo muttered. Celeste was confused, she agreed with Leo,  this place doesn't look safe at all. "Well if Mr. kitty says it's safe I trust his words, after all there doesn't seem to be anything odd or any strange creatures in sight. Just trees." Charlie spoke. "You're right we shouldn't worry to much, in the mean time let's wonder the forests and see if we find anything promising?" Leanne said trying to set the mood.

The 4 teens wondered the forest for hours, not a monster or exit in sight. "We've been at this for hours and it only seems like we're going in circles! I'm starting to get hungry. Can we please take a break or maybe rest?" Leo spoke while kicking at the pebbles in the dirt. "We have no time to rest! Do you want to be stuck here forever? Because I sure don't! You complain way to much so get your lazy ass up and come here." Celeste said in a tempered tone. Leo's heart sank at Celeste's cold words, he knew deep down she didn't mean it but was still heart broken anyways. "We get the point no need to be so cold about it, I agree with Leo to be honest, we need rest!" Leanne said while shedding light on the facts. Celeste sighed and spoke "I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood, I meant it in a light hearted way." The others began walking again as Charlie spoke up, "Hey Celeste look ahead! It's a castle!"

The others including Celeste looked at the cool castle in awe, the castle looked very old as if it had been built years ago. The castle covered in moss and vines with a boarded entrance. The 4 teens rushed over to the castle in hope of finding a way out but soon stopped at the plank wood hammered on the door. "Are you sure we should go in? The door is obviously covered in planks for a reason, they probably don't want anyone here..." Leo gulped.
"Come on Leo, this is our only hope. There's nothing else in this Forest." Celeste said reassuringly.

Leanne began to tug at the planks nailed to the door. "There's no use, it won't budge I'm not strong enough!" Leanne cried out. Charlie scanned the place looking for something to get the planks off, she saw a screw driver laying besides a rock. "Let's try and unscrew them, I found this!" Charlie said waving the screw driver. She began to unscrew the nails and take off the planks. Once they were off Celeste started to turn the door knob before interrupted by a scared voice. "Guys I'm still not sure about this, I feel like I'm breaking into someone's house can't we just turn around and look for Mr. kitty or something?!?" Leo stuttered. "Leo please! Stop being a scaredy cat and come along. Nothing will happen, we will be fine." Leanne spoke up. "Okay okay, I'll come but if something bad happens you're all to blame!" Leo shouted. Leanne rolled her eyes and Celeste opened the door.

They stood in a hallway with long red carpet tracking the halls, the carpet was fairly clean considering the shit hole of a castle it was in, The walls of the place was literally falling apart. The group went to the left of the castle and climbed stairs leading up to another long hallway, but this time they were all greeted by a women with skeleton looking face paint. She had old fashioned clothes on and looked like royalty herself.

"Oh my dears, you all must be lost, come with me! It's best to not roam the halls alone." The women said. The group looked at each other with worried faces not knowing if they could trust the women but followed her anyways.

The women lead them into a fancy room with a throne, there was glass scattered all over the room, assumingely it came from the window. Leo noticed there was blood staining the walls and the carpet. He nudged Celeste to tell her about the blood but Celeste just looked at him and rolled her eyes. "May I ask what you are doing here,  I mean I don't normally come across young children like you in my realm every so often." The women questioned. "We aren't actually sure how we got here, we kinda just... teleported? Do you know any way out of this place? we need to get home." Celeste answered. The women had a concerned face, she spoke "Oh dear! I must return you home then!

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