Liminal Neighborhood (Chapter 5)

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Celeste and the others noticed they were in a neighbourhood. There was people but they had multicoloured hair that didn't look like what normal people would have. " I kinda blend in here since my hair is dyed pink!! " said Charlie.

Celeste decided yes it was a great idea to finally sit down since her feet felt like absolute shit. There was 3 benches. They all sat down. " Why are u whereing a school uniform??" Leanne asked Stella. " Well when we were going to my aunts my mother picked me right up from school after all my aunt worked at a place people were trying to study." Leanne thought it was cool that Stella's aunt was a world famous scientist.

Leo sat right next to Celeste and tried scooting super close to her to have the right opportunity to hold her hand. Celeste did in fact sat her right hand down on the bench scooting upwards to get comfortable. Leo sat his hand on hers as if he didn't know it was there. " OOP " Celeste said looking at Leo. Leo's face turned into a freaking blood boiling parasite. His cheeks felt heavy his heart pounding faster each second. He was surprised she wasn't lifting her hand. She was just looking down at it. " Are you going to let go orrrr??? " said Celeste " Yes umm i-I-I-I " Leo said nervously.

Stella looked kinda angry because she was sitting crossed armed. " I'm going to get in trouble y'know " and the. She put her palm on her forehead. She ended up taking her curly hair out of a pony tail and putting her wrist band into her wrist "

As the cars of weird looking humans went by they finally stopped. They all decided to get up and cross to the other side.Leanne saw the house all looked the same. She ended up seeing some tall black figure who ended up being a women. Stella ended up hiding behind Leo. " umm so Celeste can I place borrow your jacket I need to stay hidden because sometimes the guards come to this level. " said Stella very nervously.

Celeste took her jacket off and was just whereing a crop top. She handed it to Stella who ended up zipping it up and putting the hood on hiding her red curls. She took her bow out and stuck it into the pockets. The tall black figure came up to Charlie and said " oh, I see you have one of my husbands braclets!!" The women said. " umm yea are you Mr Kittys wife?? " Charlie replied. The women said yes and sounded super cheerful. She also told them that the seasons on this level change because it's a weird level to be on.

Celeste told Mrs. Kitty her husband has a surprise for her. Mrs Kitty got excited and ended up disappearing randomly. It started to snow in the neighbourhood. Celeste stared freezing cuz she was wearing a crop top and shorts and she gave her jacket to Stella. " Umm so I have along sleep shirt you can use my hoodie for now" said Leo. Celeste looked at him awkwardly and was confused on why Leo was acting super suspicious. She shrugged it off though. They all ran to a little coffee shop in that neighbourhood that looked like one of the houses because the houses all looked the same.

It was warm in there. But Celeste was still freezing. " Maybe we could get some coffee hot chocolate or maybe tea??" Leanne said. She ended up getting some and gave them to the others. There were little tables they sat at.

Celeste ended up being first. She got bored and ended up deciding to draw in her notebook that was in her cross body. She pulled it out. Leo glanced up from where he was drinking his coffee and saw what Celeste was pulling out. It was the notebook he written in. Celeste started flipping through the pages. Celeste turned to the page. " WHO THE HELL HAS A CRUSH ON ME?!?!" Celeste said. Leanne noticed that the time everyone was sleeping in MR Kitty's house Leo was snooping around in her bag. Leanne knew that Leo had a crush on Celeste.

Leanne started to laugh. She tried holding it in. Celeste was like " I really hope Aubrey wrote that she's so freaking pretty I may kinda like her" As when Leo heard those words. He started to tear up. Leanne felt bad. Stella was like " What the absolute fuck is going on. " Leanne whispered into Charlie's ear without Celeste looking " Its  obviously Leo I mean look at him. "

Later or sooner they all felt dizzy and fell asleep at the table at the restaurant. They woke up. It was in an office building. There was tons of rooms that they could go into. Stella handed Celeste hoody back because she knew nothing would come up there. It was a very creepy level. The office building looked so broken where in a hall way the floor was broken and you could fall through. Stella opened a door what looked to be a hotel. It was weird because it was an office building. " Umm maybe we should go into an elevator?? " Leo said " Bitch why would you go into a stupid elevator in a random creepy ass place?? " Stella said as if she was frustrated. But with no hesitation Leanne wanted to find something that they could use for later.

She found keys. That was useful enough as defense for defending herself and the others from entity's. Charlie began to cry. " Umm why are you crying Charlie? " Leo said. " Well I miss Jennifer and Kayden? " Charlie said with the tears crawling down her face. " Kayden is my brother and Jennifer is my cousin I feel like I'll never see them again same with my mom and dad. " Celeste honestly felt like shit for getting that chip.

A soon or a minute later they all just deciding to get into the elevator anyways. As soon is it stopped they stepped out into a very pretty place.

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