Part 18

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"What the fuck" susan says.

Me and Nathan pull apart quickly and her and Charlie stand there looking at us. Charlie was in utter shock and susan, well susan was either about to kill me or nathan.

"Suse let me explain" nathan says.

"No dad. No" she says running out the door and down the corridor.

Charlie follows and nathan steps away from me.

"Great. Thanks" he says pissed at me.

"Was that thanks blaming me?" I ask.

"Of course im blaming you! You are the one who walked over!" He says.

"Right you asked me to come over my words were someone could walk in and apparently it was a quick peck!" I say raising my temper a little.

Susan walks back in with tears running down her face.

"Dad explain and truth!" She says.

"Look me and her ain't a couple. This was the first time. It was spur the moment" nathan says.

"Thats fucking lies. Sorry susan but we have kissed more than once. Nathan she asked for the truth not lies" i say.

"Lies? You are the one lying as well issy" susan says.

"Yeah we kept it a secret but at least im saying the truth now" i say.

"Look it has happened a few times before. Its hard. She is a student and your best friend" nathan says.

"Was my best friend" susan said and it stung.

"Look i really like her. She really likes me. I didn't know how to tell you suse I really didn't" nathan says.

Susan starts to cry even more and it made me upset. Nathan does walk over to her though and hugs her and she hugs back like any father and daughter would do.

"Im sorry dad but chose. Either me or her. I cant have her as the new step mother of my family i just cant" she says.

"Woah step mother hold your horses its just kisses jesus" i say.

"Dad chose" susan says.

"Sorry issbella i chose susan" nathan says.

I try to hold back my tears. Charlie takes Susan's hand and they walk out with Nathan behind. I stood there. Of course he chose his daughter. Any parent would or good parent. I guess i had this coming.

I grabbed my things and i walk down the corridor and pass them. Susan was crying on Nathan's shoulder and it made me cry a little harder seeing her like it. I walk straight past though and out the door and to my car. I drive and drive and drive.

I arrive at the top of the mountain and i sit there for a good three hours. Watching the snow fall onto my car. Yeah it started snowing. I listen to my girl Taylor swift and i cry. I didn't know what to do. Maybe i had this coming. Maybe i just deserved it. Of course im not mad for Nathan choosing susan i would be more mad if he chose me.

I decided to head back home as the snow was dying down a bit and i didn't want to get stuck up here. It was a beautiful sight but i Dont want to starve to death. Christmas was basically two weeks away and we had one week left in school. Maybe i can get out of going to school and asking the teachers for online work. I will ask mum.

I drove home and parked my car and walked into the house. I went in the living room and seen my mum holding lexi on her lap. She was now three months and she was a little doll.

"Is dad home?" I ask taking a seat next to her.

"No not tonight he is working. They didn't need me. Whats up you look upset?" She asks.

I tell her everything from the part of when i scared mr ruffalo to when i sat up the mountain and i cried.

"Mum I understand him choosing susan i would be even more mad if he chose me. Its his daughter but i have lost susan charlie and now nathan" i say.

She hugs me and kisses the top of my head.

"Look you still have tom. Leave them some time and they will soon understand honey" she says.

"Cant i just have the rest of the week off and next week. I will say im going away with you for filming and im looking after lexi for you. I will ask them for work and things as i need to keep my grades up" i ask.

"We are going away for Christmas anyway to a little cabin. We thought instead of staying here we will go away the day before Christmas eye" mum says.

"When?" I ask.

"Tomorrow?" She replies.

"What? Why so soon?" I ask.

"It was to be on the last day of your school but we could go tomorrow get away from everything" she says.

"How though you would have to book it" i say.

"No need. Its our cabin honey" she says.

"What how?" I ask.

"We took you when you were younger but we kept renting it out and that night me and your dad wasn't here we went to check it out and its all clean and perfect. Its four bedrooms so it's perfect for us" she says.

"So we can actually leave tomorrow?" I ask.

"Of course. I will email all your teachers for you including Nathan to send you work to do throughout to keep your grades up but we need a break. We will come back the week you go back to school after Christmas" she says.

Thats monday the 6th of January " i say.

"Well then we have basically a month out there from all the Drama. We will come back on the friday which is 3rd of jan" she says

"I hope dad will say yes" i say.

"Of course he will. Now go upstairs and shower or whatever and i will make you mash and ham"
She says.

"And carrots?" I ask.

"And carrots" she says smiling.

"You are amazing. I will hold lexi" i say

She passes her to me and i hug her. I love my mother more than anything.

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