Chapter 1

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"FATHER!?", you shouted, reaching your arms out, pleading for at least one bit of sympathy from the man on the throne, as you were being held down.

The man stare coldly at you, "BANISH HER, NEVER LET HER SET FOOT IN THIS PALACE EVER AGAIN", he yelled out.

You can feel your heart breaking, it was sinking as you pleaded for forgiveness.

It wasn't your fault, you didn't poison your sister, you didn't bully your sister, you weren't the one who spread that rumor.

"Please.....", you pleaded one last time, before you were dragged behind closed doors.

Between the crasks of the door, you can see the king cooing your sister, reassuring her, you wished that was you.

The guards were ruff as they threw you and your belongings on the ground.

"Tch, damn dirty witch", The guard cursed, a disgusted look plastered on his face, as he walk inside the castle's gate.

You sat on the ground, not knowing what to do, you just turned 10 two days ago, why are they doing this?

You woke up with a Gasp, feeling a shot of pain from your left arm.

You look around the cave. The crackling fire illuminated the cave, causing you to move your cold body closer.

The cave wasn't special, it was just like any other, but the wound on your left arm was gone, the skin around it looks like it stitched each other back together, leaving a scar on it.

You also saw the same pinkette that you saw when you came into this cave.

"Ugh", a groan escape the man's mouth. He shifted as he slowly opened his eyes.

You were startled, scooting away from the man and staying close to the fire, giving the two of you space.

The man woke up, he scan the room and spotted you near the fire.

His glare pierce your skin, it feels like hot lava on your forehead, as the man opened his mouth.

"Who are you", He asked, reaching for his sword that was resting on the ground.

You glare back, reaching for your own weapon.

"I'll be asking you the same thing, who are you", You said, gritting your teeth.

The man didn't find that amusing, as he brush his hair away from his face.

You let out a small Gasp that wasn't noticeable.

The man had great features, define jawlines and sharp eyes that droop a bit.

You would've fell for his looks if he was your type. Sadly your type was those that looks like feminine cute and adorable, and this man was just straight man.

"I'll asked you again, who are you and where am I", The man demanded, pointing his sword at your neck.

That startled you. You deflected the blade with a short dagger, sending another glare at the man.

"Well, I'm Y/N, and we're in this cave. Now who are you?", You asked back, getting up from your sitting position, the dagger still pointed at the man.

"I have no obligation to tell you that", the man growled, his sword raised.

You growl at the man, cursing at him in your mind.

"Rude, I told you my name and you didn't tell me yours", You stated, you can feel the heat in your voice.

The man huffed, sheathing his sword and sitting back down, the wound that he had were gone, but the pain was still fresh.

Your body was starting hurt as well, seeing as it magically healed all the broken bones.

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