Chapter 3

26 3 6

Finally I got the tags right, I almost had to republish this.


Techno huffed, watching as the girl ran away from the cave.

She was sick and he knows it, but what can he do, when the girl is already out of his sight, no use running after her.

He sat back down near the fire, finding it warm in the cold storm.

It's been a long time since he had talk openly with someone other than Phil, the old man's probably worried sick for him, and those nobles were getting annoying.

He had receive word that the banished princess was here in this forest, but as far as he can tell, there is no noble living here.

He was planning on making her join the rebellion, seeing as she probably want revenge or something.

They said that the banish princess had dark hair and dark eyes. The girl that was with him fit the description, but there is no way that a girl that was born in the safe castle can fight like that, but the Princess was banished 10 years ago, she might not even be alive.

Techno ruffle his own hair, "God damn it, Phil. Why did you give me this job", he groaned, he need to stop using his head too much, its giving him a headache.

Well, no use dwelling here anymore, time to move out.

He got up and fix his garment, putting on his red cloak and snuffing out the fire.

Its morning and it's time to hunt.

Maybe sleeping with your wet clothes wasn't a good idea.

You woke up with your head pounding and you smelling like a wet rag that didn't dry properly.

The foul stench could be comparable to your horse's feces.

"Ugh, at least the fever's gone", you groaned, getting up and feeling the afternoon sun on your skin.

You look up and sigh. "I need to fix that", you said, blocking the sun away from your eyes.

This house wasn't yours, you just happen upon it on one of your mission and stayed a while. Looking at the state of it, you might have to move again, seeing as the next mission is in another town.

Standing up from the bed, you look over to the kitchen next to it. Finding the morning dew dried up.

Your stomach growled, "should I eat meat today?", you asked yourself.

"Yes", you answered, making your way to your bow and sword.

You didn't have any spare meat, so you're going to hunt, hopefully you don't meet that man again, that would be a nightmare if you accidently shoot him.

Swinging the quiver over your shoulder, you can your parrots coming over to peck at you.

"Ow, Why?", you complained, blocking your face from the pecking from the angry birds.

You chuckle as the birds calm down. You set the two colourful birds on the table, pouring some seeds in the bowl that you left out this morning.

You gave out a sigh, as you watched the birds pecking on the seeds.

You wonder how the pinkette is fairing, you did saw the amount of blood coming out from the man, kinds made him look hot though, but isn't it because you haven't seen men in a long time?

You shrugged the question away, bidding your parrots goodbye and walk out the door.

Navigating the forest, you stumble upon a stream, blood was flowing from atop and gives you a sense of Curiousity.

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