Chapter 2

26 2 1

Wattpad keep untagging, why is that.

Anyways I'm stress because I gotta do a test, because I missed it since I was sick, and I'm just sitting here sweating.

But good news, there'll only be 2 classes out of 4 tomorrow, but two test.


The sky didn't clear out yet, but you already can see that the sun is rising already.

You had stayed up all night being wary of this William person, that you forgot that you had to feed your pet rock, not like it needed feeding but it's for emotional support and self-defense.

"Achoo", you sneezed.

"What, caught a cold?", William said, hunched over the fire.

"Never heard of the saying that if you sneeze someone's talking about you", You said, denying the fact that you're getting dizzy.

"Say what you want, your face is going red", the pinkette said, putting a stick in the fire.

You grabbed your face. It felt warm, and you realized that your fingers and toes were getting cold.

"Guess that's my cue to leave", You said, getting up quickly.

William looked concern, as he got up and tried to grabbed you.

"Nope, I'm fine and I'm gonna go to the doctor, uh", you said. You pushed your feet and cover your body to keep it from water, "See you around", you said, before turning away from the pinkette and bolted away.

You ran through the ran. The boots that you worn splashing the puddles and wetting the end of your trousers.

It was embarrassing to show people your weakness, and it just shows how being a woman is always weaker than being a man. You can see it when you're the only one that got sick even though the two of you were injured.

Swatting away the branches and bushes, you can spot your house in the horizon, with your parrots sitting on the window ledge greeting you.

You sigh and walk towards the vine covered house, your cloak was useless in this heavy storm, it's a good thing that you had bought the medicine from hannah, for the first time, you were greatful for your own overthinking.

Stepping inside the small hut, your parrots flocks towards both your shoulder, giving weight to your already numb legs.

"Hello you two, are you hungry?", You asked, taking off your cloak and throwing onto a chair near the dinner table.

The parrots chirped, flying onto the table and watching as you take out a small bowl and poured bird seeds in to it.

As you sat and watched the birds pecking on the seeds, your stomach growled, you chuckled, "It looks like I'm also hungry, but I got a fever, so I'll have to eat later", You muttered, talking to yourself.

It was a habit of yours since even before getting kicked out, a coping mechanism to help with the neglects and abuse.

Not going to lie, you first thought that living in the Palace was much more safer, but looking back on it, it was even worse than out here.

It might look pretty but there's always constant battles going on in the imperial Court, and from your source, some rebels are forming to overthrow the current government, you wonder if you can also join in as well, since you have a thing or two that you want to pick out.

With your occupied mind, your hands move in a motion as if familiar, scooping some water from the basin, you poured the bitter green medicine into the water, making sure to swirl it to incorporate the medicine.

You prepare yourself for the bitter taste, and gulp it down with a glug. It was a lot more bitter than you expected, you scooping in more water on the cup and making sure to get all the medicine in the cup along with water were gone.

You place the water down, your hair still wet, as you look yourself in the water.

Dark hair and dark eyes, no one would know that you have royal blood in your veins, it was the most bearable thing about you, except for the birth mark that forms on every royal that could be the next in line for the thrown.

You hated it. You hated how the mark caress the back of your thigh, it's good that it wasn't noticeable, but it's bad since it's the only thing that can give a hint of your royal descend, it was also the reason why you had to compete for the throne.

It's good that you didn't draw any attention to yourself for the last 10 years of your life, but the constant assassin that were sent your way was annoying.

Sitting back down onto your chair, you can feel the dizziness started to disappear, leaving behind a headache, only soothing by the cold touch of your fingers and palms.

"I need sleep", you mumbled, getting up from your seat and headed towards the straw mattress on the ground next to the kitchen.

Wasn't ideal for a straw bed to be next to the kitchen, but you gotta make due with what you got.

Laying on the uncomfortable mattress, you can feel fatigue setting in, causing you to relax your body and gave out a sigh.

As you drifted into your slumber, your feathered friend flock towards you and settle next to you, giving you warmth for the morning.


Wow, even with out the tags you guys keep coming huh.

Anxiety? Reassurance, yup I coop with my anxiety by reassuring myself, it works most of the time.

Word count: 933

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