Chapter 5: Dinner With The King.

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Wilbur was right when he said Ranboo wasnt ready for dinner. Everyone was quiet and didn't speak a word.

They ate silently. The three princes of this kingdom were used to eating silently infront of the king.

Eret and Ranboo sat uncomfortably and it showed, only a little though. Ranboo wished his sibling would break the silence, but they did not.

Ranboo kept a groan in his mouth while he stuffed another piece of steak in his mouth.

"So," the king started, "how was your day, Majesty Eret?" Philza asked, he sat down his fork and picked up his wine.

"After our afternoon tea, I went down to the lively city you have. They were quite nice. I even saw Ranboo and Prince Tommy talking about with another," Tommy's face paled and Ranboo looked cautiously in Tommy's direction.

"It was lovely to see them getting along, though, they did part ways after. I'm just glad I saw them having a friendly chat. After, I came back here and got ready for dinner." Eret spoke cooly and smoothly.

Tommy grabbed his cup filled with water and drank it. The nerves slowly dying down.

He must have saw me flip him off, Tommy thought, But why did he say nothing about it?

"Wonderful news, Prince Ranboo, after you and my son parted, how did you spend your time?" He asked, Ranboo looked up to meet the Kings eyes.

"Well, I went to the center, where the fountain is, and read some books written by authors that live here. For enlightenment on the kingdom." He explained, Eret was shocked, Ranboo wouldn't be caught dead with a book.

"That sounds wonderful, I hope the books taught you a thing or two. Technoblade, your day?" He asked, Ranboo sighed in relief.

"Spent the day training new recruits. A fine set of young children." He answered, the king smiled to the news of the cadets.

Eret looked disdained, How young? Was the question on her mind.

Tommy looked to him and held up ten, then two, signifying they were twelve years of age.

Eret seemed a little taken back the age, and at how Tommy knew the question that was on his mind.

"Glad to hear it. When they turn eighteen, I'm excited to see them." The king smiled, right, the final examination, Tommy thought.

He was supposed to be apart of it, but Philza fears that his lungs wouldn't do well with running, or anything.

Fortunately for Tommy, Technoblade thinks differently.

"And Wilbur, your day?" He asked, Wilbur sat down his fork.

"I taught the villages school in music today. I found a lot of natural talent there. The music program needs some picking up, but they have a lot of spirit for learning music." Wilbur smiled, Philza nodded and took that into consideration.

"Tommy, was your day good and hopefully not too eventful?" He asked, Tommy smiled and nodded.

"Im glad everyone had a good day," the king was now in a good mood. He took into consideration of what each person said, well, minus Tommy.

Wilbur looked at Tommy then to his plate, he barely ate half his steak and left everything else untouched. His portions were already small to begin with.

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