My baby 🔪🔴

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This is a new Subject I'm going to do so if you do not like it please scroll to the next page

Remember to read at your own risk

And look at the emojis for more types of imagines

Warning Yandre

Things you might read are graphic⚠️

smut 💋
fluff 💕
angst 💢
ect 💚
Sad 💧

Last chance

Thank you 😊


You were held hostage by Jaehyun
He was a quiet student in your high school.

Ever since highschool was over he stalked you everyday and finally had the courage to talk to you and now tricked you into thinking he needed help moving,Bullshit but is it ?


"Good morning darling"he says opening the lights

"Morning"you say waking up in the same bed in the middle of the room with thick concrete walls and chains on your feet,
Sitting across was just a chair and a drawer with sex toys and Lube in it with a glass of water ontop of it.

"So what's your plans today ?"he asks you sarcastically

"Obey master"you say laying down reading a magazine he got for you

"Ah that's my good girl"he says
Coming over to you and gliding his 2 fingers on your thigh up to your chin,
"When will breakfast come ?"you ask

"Soon"he says looking at what your reading for the 100th thousand time
"Would you like me to get you a different one ?"he says
"If you can yeah"you say looking at him
"Okay I will"he says getting up and leaving

"Sick bastard"you whisper to youself

A few minutes later he comes back with a magazine and Steak with Rice and potatoes.
"For my baby"he says

"Thank you"yous say opening your arms and kissing him on his lips

He smelt so good for a damn psycho like him

"Your welcome"he says watching you get up and sit for him so he can feed you.

"Oh do you want me to loosen up the chain a bit ?"Jaehyun asks

"If you want ?"you say

"What about you baby"he asks

"Ok"you say and watch him get down on the other side of the bed and try to loosen the chains

You slowly and quietly grab the steak knife and hide it under your blanket
And wait for him to come back.

"I got it are you more free ?"he asks

"Mhm"you say waiting for him to feed you

"Okay my baby is hungry"he says and sits back on the bed picking the Fork up and feeding you

"Thier is no knife ?"you ask

"For what ?"he asks

"The Steak"you say and watch him just pick the steak up and give it to you.

Butter dripping onto your legs and you just take a big bite out of it and watch him watch you devour it.

"You need water ?"he says

"Mhmm"you say

"Can I eat my other things myself now Jaehyun ?"you say

"Sure go ahead"he says walking back up to you

You grab the fork and start to mash the rice and mashed potatoes in your mouth,Mushing it so it can be a Paste for later

"I love you"he says

"I love you too"you say munching

"Okay well I gotta go now I'll see you when I get back from work okay"he says kissing your head and standing up to leave.
You quickly grab the knife and stand up and stab Jaehyuns neck multiple times until he fell on the floor bleeding and trying to grab you.

You get onto the floor and grab his keys that fell out and crawl over to the chain and unlock youself from it.
Crawling back to Jaehyun still trying to breathe,You spit all the Food in your hand and smash it in his face.

"Fuck you Jeong Jaehyun 2 years of bull shit"you say

"All because I didn't see you all 4 years of high school you did this to me fuck you,Suffer in hell you Fucking Cunt"you say hitting him as he is crying staring at you crying

"Why are you crying ?"you hear a voice behind you

You stopped

"Y/n ? Why are you crying"the voice says

"Fuck you"you say standing up and running towards the voice with the knife

It was actually jaehyun

The other one was a stunt double for when Jaehyun wasn't home

He pushes you towards the wall and you kick him in the balls making him fall and you make a run for it.

Running to the entrance you open it and run as fast as you can and not looking back...

Jeong Jaehyun Imagines|Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now