Let me be your shoulder💕

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You have had a hard time studying,working,lack of sleep,

With your door locked until the front office gets off thier break for 4 days and ect but mostly your boyfriend breaking up with you.

It was hard but it's been almost 2 months

You lay your head onto the kitchen counter and fall asleep

"Y/n,y/n"Your roommate Jaehyun says

"Y/n- nevermind"he says pricing you up and picking you up and carrying you to his room and setting you down on his bed.

"You look exhausted"he says moving your hair and putting the blanket over your body

"I want to feel the pain your in right now so your not suffering alone"he says laying next to you

You told him the other day that he broke up with you so he knows how much you are in pain.

He has been taking you out to eat and giving you candy alot

He sits on the bed and watches you just dig your head into the pillow

"He was a jerk anyway,I mean no offense"He says

"None taken,your right"you say

"You think you can go to work tomorrow or do you want me to cover you ?"he asks

When you moved in with Jaehyun you both found out you both worked at the same cafe just at different times.

"Uhmm no it's fine Jaehyun"you say looking at him

"You sure you look like you have been crying all day,I Don't want you getting sick plus it's winter"he says covering you more

"No I'm fine"you say

"Okay well I'm gonna clock in the same time as you then cause boss wants me to be lead tomorrow morning"he says

"Okay"you say closing your eyes

"Night"he says kissing your forehead and walking out of the room

"Where you going ?"you ask sitting up

"To the kitchen"he says

"For what"you ask

"Tea"he says

"Oh okay"you say nodding your head and laying back down

Few minutes later Jaehyun comes back in with his cup and watching you sleep

If only she'd know



You wake up to see Jaehyun still sleeping next to you so you wake him up carefully.

He flinches his hand and grabs your hand

"Wake up Jaehyun"you say giggling

"Hold on"he says

"Get ready"you say walking to the bathroom in the living room

"K"he mumbles


You both walk into work opening it and clocking in

"You want coffee ? "He asks taking the things out and rinsing it

"I'll pass"you say

"Okay"he says

"What's uppp"Johnny says entering And fist bumping Jaehyun and walking to the back putting his Hand bag down

"BOO"johnny screams

"Johnny your loud ass footsteps try so hard don't they"you say scoffing and laughing

"I need to improve"he says walking to the front


Jaehyun and Johnny eat at one of the tables while your taking orders and helping the other 3 employees.

"So are you with anyone right now ?"Johnny asks

"No you ?"he says eating his salad

"Well um- uhhh- I mean I like y/n I mean alot but I just knew not to long ago she just broke up with her bf so I could possibly have a chance ?"Johnny says

"I think she needs to heal right now,Just leave her be cause at home she is going through alot and I can see" Jaehyun says

"Yeah that's what I'm doing,im gonna wait and see"he says

"That's cool"Jaehyun says

"So what about you"Johnny says

"I- like um okay fine I like y/n too"he says

"Oh-"Johnny says looking down

"Yeah"jaehyun says scratching his neck

"Could someone take my shift"yuta says

"Sure"johnny says standing up and leaving Akwardly

"HAIIII"yuta says sitting on Johnny's chair

"Hi"Jaehyun says

"What's wrong"yuta says looking at him


You set a cup of coffee down for yuta and look at Jaehyun

"You okay"you say rubbing his back

"Um yeah, after this yuna will take both of our spots"Jaehyun says to you

"Ah okay"you say

"Why are you guys leaving me ?"Yuta asks

"No yuta your remember todays half day so the others will come in"you say to him

"Oh OHH okay"he says finally getting it


You were on your phone while Jaehyun was trying to sleep when

"Y/n"he says

"Mhmm"you say

"Come here"he says

"Okay"you say

"Look I can't even belive I'm saying this but let me be your shoulder"he says

"Hmm ?"you tilt your head in confusion

"I know you have alot on your mind,you can cry on me"he says opening his arms

"That's weird but okay,could be just asked for a hug Jae"you say laying into his embrace

Smelling his jo malone perfume

You just sit there thinking

And start to cry

"Ahh Jaehyun why did you do this to mee"you say wiping your tears

"Cause I know you have alot on your mind"he says

"Gosh your so fucking like I can't even describe you,your so nice and charming like why don't you get a girl to do this with Jaehyun why me ?"you say

"I already explained Y/n,people come and go but I'm not ready to let you go"he says...

Jeong Jaehyun Imagines|Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now