Glimpse of Us 💕⚠️

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You help around with schools and ect but now you are helping at just  some homes that need help and mostly helping disabled people.

You wanted to help people because there is no other better thing to do than help them.

"Okay this one here is 25 years old and still pretty young but um he is in a wheelchair so he can move around just some things in his body won't process right so just please be careful with his legs,They are paralyzed on both of his knees down to his feet so yeah if you have any questions please call me back "the lady says smiling

"Yeah no problem thank you"you say and she let's you enter the apartment

You enter and it is a very nice penthouse

Very very unordinary but still very clean and nice

"Hi" you hear from the living room

"Oh hello,My name is Y/n nice to meet you"you say shaking the handsome mans hand

"Hello,I'm Jaehyun and well this is my home"he says smiling

"Jaehyun,Nice name and place"you say sitting down

"Yeah worked for couple years and got this place but kinda wasted everything now cause of this"he says pointing at wheelchair

"Oh Im so sorry about that"you say

"No it's fine but um has she told you what happend to me yet ?"he asks

"Um no she just told me you were paralyzed from knee down"you say

"Right,would you like some water or something before I start ?"he says

"I'm fine thank you"you smile

He starts blushing and starts

"So I was In the car driving home and a car stops in the middle of the intersection so of course I had to break or else collision but then the back of the other car hit me so I pretty much spun into the ditch forward and got my feet paralyzed cause of the pressure on it"he says

"I'm so sorry you had to go through whatever that was,May I ask how long it was ago ?"you say

"It's fine but um it happens 5 months I believe"he says

"Just recently oh my God"you say covering your mouth

"Yeah but that's how it is you know "he says sighing

You just nodded your head

After helping him do some things around the house you sit down again.

"Do you want anything to eat ?"jaehyun asks

"Sure I'm a little hungry so yeah"you say

"Okay let's go to the restaurant inside of the building"he says

"Oh um okay"you say getting up and getting ready

After you helped him get ready you wheeled him out into the hallway and into the elevator.

"Floor 27"he says

Reaching over and clicking 27 and  watch the doors close

Going up the doors open at the right floor

"To your left"he says and you push him in
One of the waiters comes over to you guys

"Hello Mr.Jung I see you have found a girl"she says smiling

Jeong Jaehyun Imagines|Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now