Fallen Love Pt 4 💧

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You hear a knock on your door and walk over to open it,Seeing Jaehyun wet by the rain outside you automatically let him in.
"Jaehyun you okay ?"you ask him while he sits on your couch
"I want a divorce"he says
"WHAT !"you say looking at him all crazy

"She is being so.....idk I don't wanna spend my last moments with her though"he says
"But why ? Jaehyun it hasn't even been a whole day yet,Why do you want to get one,Didn't you have to go through so much shit to get her parents blessing and your's ?"you say sitting on the floor

"I don't know I just am not feeling her anymore" he says
"Jaehyun you have been with her for what 3-4 years more than me if you wanna be real"you say drinking your water knowing what he knows too
"Bull shit Y/n how would you know ?" He says looking straight at you while making it look like some sort of competition or bet.

"Look I know you've been with her before me and so you just seemed different right after our first anniversary"you say going on your phone

"No I haven't- I never Che-""Jaehyun let's just talk about you and her okay me and you can be some other day or something okay" You say

As we just lays his head down on the couch he closes his eyes thinking about everything

About her
Being a dad
Not even knowing what's going on

"Jaehyun,Go back home and apologize to her I can't let you stay here for long" you say

"Why I have no place to go to" he says making an excuse after the argument they both had earlier
"Jaehyun you have a wife waiting for you,go live your life and please stop sending flowers to me"you say and his head jots up

"What flowers ?" He asks
"The ones you send me,I know it's you and they're beautiful and I do keep them alive but plz I have no more vases for anymore" you say

"I never sent you flowers" Jaehyun says confused
"Well who did then ?"you ask
"Let me see"he says

You go into the kitchen and open your drawer and take out all the notes that were attached to the flowers

Walking back you sit down next to him and give them to him 1 by 1

"I love you"-Jaehyun

"I miss you so much"-Jae

"I regret everything" -J

"Let me come back my love"-Yuno

"I'll do whatever you want me to we can fix this" -Jung

You just read them all to him and look at him

"We're you drunk or something"you say

"I mean I was drinking every night for about 2-3 months before this but how did I do this ?" He says
You just shake your head

"You really gotta quit,what if it got sent to your grandmas or somewhere"you giggle

"Right" he says laughing with you

"Okay but like Jaehyun you gotta go"you say

"Would you just let me stay for a night please"he says looking straight at you

"Jaehyun I can pay for hotel for you but you can't stay he-"Jaehyun Interrupts you

"Member that night from 2-4 months ago at the club"he says

"What about it"you ask...

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