Offers 💚⚠️

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"Hey I was wondering if you'll be able to take the offer if not please call me back later at 837-282-9292 Thank you." *not real*

As Jaehyun writes the number down the door slowly opens to a young girl with Jaehyun's Parents,
"Good morning Boss"his father says

"Morning Father"Jaehyun says looking down and tapping his pen while they are sitting her down

"Well son we will See you later"
They both say and rush out of the room

"So umm what can I do for you today ?"jaehyun Asks

"Um I don't know,you're parents I'm assuming just grabbed me out of my house and brought me here"you say

"I'm sorry about that,by the way I'm Jaehyun"he says shaking your hand

"Y/n"you say smiling as you watch his cold smile appear

You observed his face

•Red Ears
•Boss Face

Of course you wouldn't think much
Cause he does have to be mature in some situations like this.

"O-"he gets interrupted by a phone call

"Would you mind if I step out"he says to you

You shook your head no and he headed out of the room and into the hallways of the tall building.

After a few minutes he comes back with a mad face

"Alright umm if you need anything else you can ask the employees just please go home right now"he says to you

"Wow that's all of the sudden what's wrong ?"you say

"No just my parents are always embarrassing me by just trying to get me married and shit like that so they bring a girl up here every month or so to get married to and it's just really annoying"he says

"Oh that's fine,I just didn't know what was going on until they told me it was the Jeong company,
I thought I'd get a job offer or something but it's fine,have to get home to my child right now"you say getting up and pushing your chair in.

"Here I'm sorry for being rude let me drive you home"he says

"Oh no it's fine I'll just have my friend come pick me up if that's fine with you"you say walking away

"No no let me offer I was rude earlier and I apologize"be he says holding your shoulders

"I gotta go"you say walking out

"What's your number"he says out of no where in the hall way

You turn around and look at him

"Number ? I'll let you in the company please"he says

"Umm-""please"he says

"Okay fine"you say walking back over to him and giving your number to him on his phone

"Thank's"he says and winks at you

"Did you just wink at me"you say looking at him

"Sorry I usually do that to people"he

You scoff
"You mean by that girls"you say

"No I mean ughh-""liar okay I gotta go bye"you say walking away..

Jeong Jaehyun Imagines|Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now