✧☆Last Night part 2:☆✧

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The after math of Dream's jump


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Chapter Text:

Phil fumbled with his phone, tears still carving their path down his cheeks. Hysterical sobs squirming their way out through his mouth. Blinking away the cloudiness from his eyes, or at least trying to. Phil debated on what to do, getting antsy when he couldn't make up his mind.

At last Phil called the police, reasoning they would be able to do more than emotional support for the man. To at least try and find Dream, or more his body.

The thought had Phil shaking with fear, Oh God what if they do find him but not alive. That's when Phil started to think about his family as the ringing of the phone continued. What was he supposed to tell Tubbo, that was Dream's brother.

Dream's friends, all of them. Someone will have to tell him and Phil was already dreading it. The horror of this all was worse. Then again Phil wasn't so sure if he could remove the memory of Dream letting go. Dream. Who was like a 4th son to him and Kristen.

If Dream is dead. And Phil is begging the Gods that he's still alive. Just unconscious. That he'll wash upon shore gasping for air and a beating heart. The worst Phil is letting his imagination wonder is a few broken bones, nothing time won't fix.

But time won't be able to fix death, at least not for Dream.

Phil cursed in anger for the emergency services to take so long to answer. Going through the routine to which he hopes won't have to go again.

"Sir can you tell what happened?"

"I-I I saw someone jump, I k-knew him. Oh God I don't know, I-. He was just here an-and now."

"Oh okay, you said it was at the main bridge right, Jordan river?"

"Yes." Phil didn't know if he could go on. Holding back his crying was hard enough while talking. "Okay Sir, I sent out an ambulance and some patrol. Can I ask you to meet them at the start of the trail?"

Phil nodded, it took some seconds for him to understand that the other person couldn't see him. A simple hum was all the other person got for affirmation. Phil didn't think twice before hanging up, not bothering to be nice.

It felt like his hands were stuck under tar when he tried to release them from the grip he had on the railing. Gulping, he kept walking back. Somehow that distance will change things, that distance will help him forget.

His back hitting the other side of the railing managed to shake him out of his stupor. Phil started at a brisk pace towards the way he came. He wasn't quite sure what to do next, there wasn't exactly a manual.

The thoughts wandered back to what he was to say to the others. Phil doubts this wasn't a good time to use humor as a good way to break it to them.

Hearing the wails of the police had him looking up, now there were red and blue lights bouncing off the open bushes and trees. The night makes it even more visible.

He met the officers at the head of the trail, Phil couldn't give them much. Unfortunately he was still in an unshakable shock. And the questions they asked only made the tears painful. They left him alone after that.

There sat Phil, behind an ambulance. He was given a bland grey blanket that looked more warm than it actually was. Maybe it was just him that couldn't stop shaking. Phil's hands were still ringing his phone, the decision of calling Kristen weighing on his whole body. In the end he thought it best to tell them when he got home, it felt like it'll be easier on them.

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