Epilogue - Last Shot

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Andrew's POV - The Future

There's quite a handful of things that I regret in my life, like getting in a relationship with that she-devil Olivia, or telling myself that I was friends with all those two-faced individuals I acquainted myself with back in high-school. But becoming a father is most certainly far away from being in that list, even though I'm spending so much time waiting for my son's teacher to tell me why I was specially asked to stick around.

"Oh, Mr. King you waited" Mrs. Sands, my five year-old's kindergarten teacher expresses.

"Well, you asked me to stick around" I laugh awkwardly, scratching my neck. 

"Yes, it's about something that Abel called one of the students" she says. "He called him and I quote 'an old cunt'."

"What? Where did you learn that?" I question my son, squatting so I could be on the same eye level with him.

"From Jenny at the restaurant." Oh God. I should've known. "But he deserved it, he shouldn't have torn my drawing" he sasses. I'm just really glad that his father didn't witness that, because if he did, he'd be laughing his ass off about how Abel takes all of this sass from me. Imagine, from me?

"Well that's a very bad word that you said little guy, never say that again, okay?" I state softly.

"Okay Papa" he nods, "Where's Dad?"

"He's in the car, let's go see him" I pick him up and balance him on my hip "It was nice seeing you Mrs. Sands."

"Bye Mr. King. I'll see you tomorrow Abel" his teacher calls out as we walk out. 

And as soon as I know that we're out of ear shot, "As bad as the word you said was, hearing that you're standing up for yourself makes me so happy" I smile proudly.

"Thank you Papa" he says, a massive smile plastered on his face. "Dad!" he exclaims, making his way out of my arms as soon as he's sees his dad.

"What's up buddy?" he picks Abel up, throwing him in the air, making the bundle of joy giggle. 

"I'm fine" Abel says, "Did you bring Roxy?" he asks. The way that this boy loves our dog, you'd swear he loves her more he loves us.

"Yes we di-"

"Yay!" he wriggles out of his dad's arms too and into the back seat with Roxy, after a fair fight with the door handle.

"What did he do today?" Christian asks with a small smile playing on his lips, after closing the car door.

"What do you mean?"

"Mrs. Sands always has something to complain about after Abel spends time with Jenny" he chuckles.

"You knew about this!" I punch his arm playfully. 

"I'm sorry" he laughs. "I just didn't want you saying Abel can't spend time with Jenny anymore just because her mouth doesn't have a filter."

"Fine" I groan, not only at the situation, but at the fact that after 16 years together, I still can't be mad at him. Guess some thing never change the voice in my head chirps in, and I block it out immediately. It has most certainly gotten crazier over the years, and if I don't shut it out as soon as it starts, I end up regretting it. 

Any who, while still on the subject of change, one thing that significantly changed over the years is my love for my husband. If I thought I was in love with Christian 16 years ago, then I'm most certainly head over heels in love with him now. There's no quantifying my love for him, I just love me some Christian...

"I love you" he says, as if he read my mind, his eyes on mine. His beautiful eyes. That after so many years still held so much love, so much admiration...and maybe, just maybe, I'll finally write that book about his beautiful brown orbs.

"I love you too" I express, a smile breaks out on my face. 

"I want to take you out tonight, I finally wrapped up that case..."

"Finally!" I exclaim excitedly, as Ian smiles at me, before pecking me on the lips. "I'm finally gonna get 100% of my man's attention...

"Hey!" he interrupts placing his hand on his chest, feigning hurt. "You know I tried to give you and little buddy over here," he gestures to Abel in the car, who seemed to be counting something the polka dots on Roxy's tag "all of my time. Husband and father first, entertainment lawyer second."

"And that's why I love you so much" I wrap my hands around his neck.

"And I love you more and more each and every passing second" he smiles brightly, as I feel heat rising up to my cheeks. "You do know that I hit..."

"...you hit the jackpot with me? Yes, I know...you tell me that everyday" I interrupt with a smile.

"Like I promised you on our wedding day" he kisses my forehead, and if he didn't have his arms around my waist I'm pretty certain I would've fell.

"Anyway, where do you plan on taking us tonight?"

"Let's go, I'll tell you all about it when we get home." Home. Our Home. Our safe haven. 

"Okay" I say, before sliding into the passenger seat after Ian held the door open for me like the gentleman he is. He checks on Abel's seat belt before sliding behind the wheel, shutting the door after him.

His eyes land on mine as I stare dreamily at him, and at that moment I had a million emotions rushing through my body, shit tons of love running through my veins but there were no words that I could say that would do these emotions any justice, so I settle for the next best thing. 

I connect my phone to the car's Bluetooth and let what's become my dedication song for my husband do the talking. 

Brown Eyes - Destiny's Child

And this lovely readers is it...thank you so much for readying, voting, commenting and everything else that all of you lovely people did to make sure that my book got to where it is today.

Truly, thank you.

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