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Rody and you arrived home

Roro said to Rody "So how was your date?"
Rody said to Roro "It wasn't a date we were just having at the park thats all, come on give your Big brother a hug!"
Roro and Lala hugged Rody and Y/n

*A few minutes later*

Y/n said to him "Rody, What job did you wish to have?"
Rody replied "Hmmm, A Pilot! but i don't have enough money to have that job"

Y/n said to Rody "I-I can pay it for you!"
Rody replied shock "Really? You know you don't have to"
"I would do anything to make you and your siblings happy!! Nevermind, forget what i said.... I know! I will get a job and make money for our needs!!" Y/n said happily

Rody replied "That's more like it" and smiled
"Do you know any Novel making nearby?" Y/n asks Rody

"Yeah, come on follow me" Rody said as he held your hand

(Rody leads you to a Novel making nearby)

Rody points "Here we are"
Y/n said to Rody "Thank you Rody! I'll go in to get an interview ok?"
"Ok Y/n, I'll wait for you here" and gave you a soft smile

Y/n kissed Rody on the cheek and went inside

Rody's Pov:
Y/n kissed me on the cheek and went inside, I know were just best friends but I think i have a crush on her then i sat on the ground waiting for Y/n knowing this is gonna take a while.

I was getting hungry so i went and bought a few sweet snacks for me and Y/n and to kill time faster

(half an Hour later)

Y/n still haven't got out yet and I was kinda sleepy cause of boredom so i took a quick nap

*alr back to Y/n's pov*

My interview was finally done and and they hired me! I kept on stuttering from when i was talking but at least it was done and i looked down to see Rody sleeping, He might've got sleepy waiting for me

I tapped his shoulder "Rody, Wake up let's go home"
Rody looked at Y/n "That took a while.. Are you hungry?" he said with a kinda deep voice and holding a plastic with bread inside

Y/n smile and took it "Thanks Rody, Now come on Roro and Lala are waiting for us" You helped him get up

(You finally arrived at Rody's place)

Y/n and Rody was sitting on the couch

"Rody, That bread you bought was good what was it?" Y/n said
Rody replied "It's just honey bread with a sweet cream inside, Did you like it?"

Y/n said with sparkle in her eyes "I loved it!!"
Rody smiled and puts his arm around Y/n's shoulder "I'll buy it for you more often"

Y/n started teasing him "Can i have your cream?~"
Rody wraps his arms around you "Say something like that and i will start punishing you" and smiled

Y/n didn't think he would do it "Yes~ Punish me hard!~" in a teasing tone
Rody started tickling her "Alright you said it!"

Y/n laughing "Alright!! I'll stop just let me go!!" and started wheezing which also made Rody laugh

"What kind of laugh was that?" Rody said laughing
"Please let go" Y/n said running out of breathe
Rody lets go "I told you you'll get consequences when you do that, Roro and Lala might hear you,  luckily they're outside playing"

Y/n catching her breathe "Ok! Ok! I'm not doing that again"
Rody replied "That's what i like to hear"
"I won't do it if Roro and Lala is around" Y/n looking at Rody

"Fine, Not Infront of Them alright?" Rody said to Y/n then You nodded

"Why don't you join me when i do that again instead of punishing me?" Y/n said to Rody
"I will join you, BUT only I'm in the mood for it" Rody smirked

*The next day*
Y/n prepared them food for them so Roro and Lala can go to school and Rody goes to his Job

Rody and Y/n are outside
"Bye guys, I'm going for work now!" Rody waved them goodbye and you both walked a away

"You must be a great brother to them Your always there for Roro and Lala" Y/n said smiling
Rody smiled and blushed a little "So why are you going to the bar where i work exactly?"

Y/n said "I'm just in a mood for a Wine you know and I'm kinda new in Otheon"
"Ok i understand" Rody replied

*At the bar*

Rody said to the Bartender "Old man! Do you got work for me?"
The Bartender replied "Yeah, Go wash some dishes for me will you?"

"I'm on it!" Rody walks to the kitchen
The Bartender looked at Y/n and said to himself  "That girl looks familiar"

Y/n said to the Bartender "Can i get one Wine please"
"Ok, just wait a sec" and makes the Wine

The Bartender gives you a Glass of wine "So do you come here often? You kinda look familiar to me"

Y/n replied "I came here 4 years ago so yeah, i come here often"
The Bartender thinking about 4 years ago "Ohhh, Your the girl who was new on Otheon!"

Y/n nodded and drinking her Wine
"So are You and Rody dating?" The Bartender asks

Y/n almost choked "W-Why do people keeps saying that, Were just friends"
"I see, Are you guys.. You know? Close friends?" Bartender said

Y/n replied "Yes, Actually were best friends"
"Do you like him?" The Bartender said

Y/n choked on her wine, *coughs* "W-Why do you say that?"
"It's just a Yes or No question lady, Don't pile up question on a question" The Bartender replied

"Promise you will keep it a secret?"
Y/n said to him
He replied "Ok i will"
Y/n sighed and whispered "Yes, I like Rody"

The Bartender gave a little smile and continues to clean the glass cups

A few minutes later, Y/n fell asleep and Rody finally finished washing the dishes

Best friends to Lovers~ (Rody soul x reader)Where stories live. Discover now