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"Gosh why my cheek?" Rody said and kissed you

Y/n giggled "Ok I made up my mind. I'm staying here in Otheon, I'm cancelling my flight"

Rody was happily surprised "R-Really?". Y/n nodded and Rody jumping in joy

*After a few minutes* (it was nighttime)

Y/n held Rody's hand and went back home "So what do you want to achieve Rody?"

"To give my siblings a great life where they are always happy"

"But they're already happy"

"No like a normal life" Rody smiled thinking about it

Suddenly there was a Villain, It was a Nomu! It killed alot of people and some of them were scared and ran away

Y/n ran and saved the people who were about to get killed

The Nomu got angry and roared, Y/n kicked it's chest but the Nomu caught her leg and throw her to a building

Y/n got up and started fighting the Nomu but she never got to hit it properly

Y/n was having alot of wounds and almost felt weak "If this is where i die, I'LL GIVE YOU ALL I'VE GOT!!" and got ready

Rody shouted in the distance "Y/N! COME BACK YOUR BADLY HURT!!"

The Nomu looked at Rody and ran to attack him, Y/n tried to stop it and striked a couple of lightning

Nomu hit Y/n alot of times and said "Your full of wounds, Your weak"

Y/n got angry "You might've hurt me or made me bleed but you didn't break my bones"

The Nomu was confused, Y/n got up "Lets end this once and for all!!"

When it striked an attack Y/n dodges it and her bones was like rubber and she got closer and closer to Nomu and said "LIGHTNING SMASH!!" and punched the Nomu

You both got stork by a big lightning for 8 seconds, When it finished The Nomu was unconscious then police arrived at arrested the Nomu

Rosy was worried and ran to Y/n "Honey! Wake up!" Y/n was also unconscious Rody puts his ear on her chest "Thank heavens, Your still alive!" and hugged you

A nurse came "Come with us sir, Were gonna have to run some test for her to make sure she's still alive and lives"

Rody nodded and he went to the hospital

After a few hours the doctor said "Good news, She's alive. Bad news, She's in a coma and won't be waking up in a few Months"

Rody was shocked and Pino was crying on his shoulder "Months!? No! There must be a way to wake her up"

"I'm sorry sir, But we will take good care of her"

Roddy nodded "Can i see her?"
"Sure, Follow me "
Rody followed the doctor to Y/n's room

Rody was happy she was alive but sad that she wasn't awake, he promise to himself "I'm gonna visit her everyday to make sure she's ok"

*After a few months*

Rody was working at the bar where he works. After he finished he realized he forgot to visit Y/n on this day and it was dark outside and the hospital was closed at the time

He feels guilty and started walking home

The next day he immediately visited Y/n and ran to her room. As soon as he entered the room, Y/n is awake! He was relieved "Y/n! Your awake!" and ran to hug her

Y/n was surprised and burst out tears of joy "I'm glad your ok!" and smiled

The Nurse said to Y/n "Is this your boyfriend ma'am?"
"U-Um, Yeah"
The Nurse smiled "He's been visiting you everyday to make sure your okay, He must be a great lover" and left

Rody looked away pouted in embarrassment. Y/n notice and patted his head "You look cute when your embarrassed"

"I'm not embarrassed, Why do you think that?" Rody said then Y/n pointed at Pino who is covering her face

They both giggled and started talking again. Y/n ask Rody if she defeated the villain yesterday. He was confused and told her how many months she's been in the hospital

Y/n was shocked and was guilty for not being there for Rody and his sibling then Rody patted her head "Don't worry everything was fine. You don't have to worry about it" and gave her a soft smile

She calmed down then the Nurse the Doctor came back with the doctor "Good news, She can leave her bed tomorrow morning but first ma'am?"

Y/n looked at the Doctor "Yes?"
"Can you stand up?"
"I can try" then she get off her bed and started walking but was wobbling a little

Doctor fixes is glasses "Very good, Ma'am can leave the hospital now. You can walk normally in a few days"

Y/n smiled and hugged Rody
"Be careful next time ma'am"
She nodded and they walked home. Rody was helping Y/n to walk or stand up cause she was still wobbling and might fall to the ground

As soon as they arrived Rody said "Roro! Lala! Good news!" while he was hiding Y/n against the wall

Roro and Lala went to the door "What is it?"
"Y/n is back on Otheon!!"

They jumped in joy "WHERE IS SHE!? WE MISSED HER SO MUCH!!"

Y/n heard then and showed herself to them "Hello my little Princess and Brainy!" and gave them a smile

There eyes sparkled and immediately hugged her tightly "Y/n!!"
Y/n hugged them back "I missed you guys so much"
"We miss you too"

After that they ate food Rody cooked for them

"Rody-kun, I didn't know your a good cook" Y/n said
"Well you never gave a chance, But since you can't walk properly I'll be the one cooking now"

You gave him a soft smile and started eating

*Minutes later*

Y/n was shivering and was covered with all the blankets

Rody asked what's wrong and checked her temperature "You have a fever! Don't worry I'll take care of you"

Y/n looked at him tired "N-No I-Its fine i can take care of myself you don't have to do that"

"No, Your sick and you need treatment I'll take care of you ok?" He said

Y/n nodded "Could you buy me medicine? My wallet is in my bag in the bedroom" and started feeling dizzy

"Ok, I'll get it" then He when to the room then went outside to buy the meds

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