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So this part of the story is Y/n had an older brother but your oc doesn't have an a brother just pretend you have :p

(B/N) = Brother name

Roro, Lala and Rody woke up
"Good morning guys, Come on and eat" Y/n greeted them with a smile

Roro and Lala looked at the table and yelled "Pancakes!!" and ran to the table to eat them

Rody noticed Y/n looked tired from waking up so early and said "Y/n did you get enough sleep?"

Y/n replies "I think so" and yawned
Rody patted her back "There there, Go back to sleep when you finished eating ok?"

Y/n nodded and started eating and said to herself "I'm so lucky to have a them, I finally felt love after 10 years"

After the 4 of you finished, Y/n went to the couch to sleep

*Y/n's dream*

6 years old Y/n playing with her 17 year old Brother (B/N), They had fun and the next day (B/N) left to go to Hero academia

One day Y/n's parents suddenly didn't came back for a long time she asks her brother "Onii-chan? Where is Mama and Papa?"

While (B/N) was watching the TV horrified, There parents died in a Car accident and looked to Y/n "T-They went to better place now They'll be here soon"

Y/n smiled "Ok Onii-chan!"
The next day (B/N) left to Go to his school but brought Y/n with him cause he didn't think Y/n wouldn't be safe home alone

A few hours later, Y/n's Brother was fighting a Villain and Y/n was watching him so amazed of how strong heroes can be

But minutes later (B/N) died infront of Y/n's eyes and she ran back home

When Y/n got home she got mad and blaming herself at her brothers death and there parents that didn't came back and almost trashed the whole Living room and didn't know there was a thunderstorm.
That's when she discovered her Quirk

The next day
Young Y/n was watching the News, Turns out over 30 people was struck by lightning and all of them died

Which made her more blaming herself at such a young age, Then someone knocked at the door It was Two of her Brother's friends and one of them said "Hey Y/n, We know the news of your big brother and we know your alone here so do you wanna live with us?"

Y/n nodded "But, Aren't you scared of me? I killed over 30 people by my lightning"

The other one said "Pft! That's nonsense, maybe there was another person who did that!"
"I was raging yesterday and blaming myself at my brothers death! I killed those 30 people! My Mom and Dad didn't cam back because of me! I'm a Monster!!" and Y/n started Crying

(A rain was starting outside)

That's when they realized she was telling the truth

One of them said "Y/n, Just because bad things happen doesn't mean your a bad person, Come on let's go we'll take care of you no matter what" and calmed Y/n down

Rody wakes Y/n up "Y/n? Are you ok?"
Y/n woke up and her face horrified

A woman's voice who you never heard said "Awww, Did you had a nightmare sweetie?"

Y/n looked at the woman who she never seen before kissed Rody

Rody smiled and said "Oh Y/n this is my girlfriend, What i said and did yesterday night was just a joke were just friends anyway"

Y/n suddenly got made ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife

Rody asks "H-Hey, What are you doing Y/n? My babe already made us lunch so just rest here"

Y/n ran to the woman and stabbed her head, Y/n realized she wasn't thinking straight and end up killing someone

Rody got mad and slapped Y/n "What the heck Y/n!! You could've just said you didn't want her here!"
"R-Rody! I'm sorry i wasn't thinking straight I-"

"No excuses! Get Out!! GET OUT OF MY HOME!!" Rody yelled

Then Y/n woke up (for real) crying and panting from what she dreamed about, Rody opened the door and noticed Y/n crying "Y/N! A-Are you alright? Did you had a bad dream?"

(The rain was kicking in)

Y/n hugged Rody "Rody! I had the worst dream ever, Y-You were there and You were with someone I don't know and-" *hic*

"Hey, calm down and tell me" Rody tried to calm Y/n

A few minutes later, Roro and Lala got home quickly and played in the bed room while Y/n finally relaxed but still crying

"S-So You woke me up and there was this girl i never seen and you told me she was you girlfriend then i got mad and wasn't thinking straight A-And then-..." Y/n explained her dream

Rody patted your back "There there, and then what?"
"A-And then.. I-I killed her and You got mad at me you slapped me and yelled at me to get out of the house and that's when i woke up" Y/n said and started to cry even more

(The rain get stronger)

Rody comforted her "Hey it's alright, It was just a dream and that will never happen" and hugged Y/n

"B-But before that happened... I dreamed of my past, And that memory was the worst out of all!!" Y/n said

Rody replied "Shushhh Y/n that's all in the past, Your safe now and that's important I'm happy you exist" and gave her a soft smile

Y/n smiled back and calmed down and the raining stoped and a rainbow appeared outside

Roro said to his sister "Lala look! the rain stoped and there's a beautiful rainbow!!"
Lala also looked out of the window "Wow! It's so Pretty!!"

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