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Rody finished washing the dishes "Do have any more work for me Old man?"
The Bartender replied "No, no more here's your money" gave 60 bucks

Rody counts the money "Thanks old man", he notices Y/n is asleep and says to himself "She so cute when she sleeps" didn't realize he was slightly blushing

The Bartender asks "Is she your girlfriend?"
Rody replied "What? No no she's my friend best friend i mean"

"Huh, That's what she said as well when i asked if you guys were dating, Do you like her?" The Bartender said
Rody blushed "U-Um.."

"Forget what i said" The Bartender said thinking Y/n was listening to them talking

(A few hours later, it was getting dark)

Y/n wakes up and rubs her eye "Oh, was i asleep? I knew i shouldn't have drank that many wine"
Bartender said "Yes you were asleep, You payment is 50 bucks"

Y/n gives him 50 bucks "Here, By the way where is Rody?"
"His at the back storing the goods, Shouldn't you be going home? It's getting dark outside" The Bartender replied

Y/n said "Nah, I'll wait until you guys close"
"If you say so" and continues on his work

Eventually Rody came out and took another box "Y/n! Your finally awake sleeping beauty" Rody said
Y/n replied "Hey Rody, Need some help?"

"Yes actually" Rody smiled
"Go find someone who can" Y/n said
The Bartender laughed

Rody pouted. "Ok! I'll help you" Y/n said and about to lift a box

The Bartender said "Rody can do it just sit there young lady"
Y/n raised her eye brow and stacked two boxes on another

Rody said holding a box "Good luck with carrying that. That weights 100 pounds!" and walking to the storage room
Y/n lifts the two boxes and walking passed Rody

Rody's eyes widen "H-How?"
"I'm not weak Rody" Y/n said and you both put the boxes down and when outside

The Bartender smirked "Your not bad after all kid, Whenever Rody does it. It takes him half an hour to get all the boxes in the storage room"
Y/n replied "I agree" and tried not to laugh

Rody hits Y/n's head softly "Have a heart Y/n"
The Bartender tides up "Alright were closing now, Go home you two" and turns off the light

Rody and Y/n went outside, "I had fun being with you Rody" Y/n said
"Me too" Rody replied as you guys walked going back home and it was dark outside

Y/n looked up "Wow, the stars and the moon look so beautiful today.."
Rody looked at you and realized how beautiful you can be at night and not knowing he was blushing

Y/n stared at Rody "A-Are you ok?"
Rody snapped out of it and replied "Y-Yeah! I'm alright"

Then he said "Y/n, I know this is out of the blue but..... Do you like anyone?"
Y/n slightly blushed "Y-Yes actually"

Rody said "Who is it?"
"His from Japan, His name is Tamaki amajiki there is something about him that i like" Y/n said

Rody looked disappointed "O-Oh..."
Y/n giggled and bumped her elbow to Rody's rib "I'm joking Rody, I like someone else"

"Can you tell me who he is?" Rody said
Y/n blushing and was having trouble speaking "I-I...."
Rody said to her "Hey don't force yourself just breathe in and out" and puts his elbow around your shoulder

Y/n breathed In and Out "I-I... I like you R-Rody"
Rody was surprised "M-Me?"
Y/n nodded
"I feel the same way Y/n... I didn't think you would like me as well" Rody said and blushing

Rody continues "I'm so happy i met you Y/n"
"Me too Rody" Y/n replied

Rody cups you face and kissed You, when he was finished Rody backed away from Y/n slowly

"Why did you do that?" Y/n said
Rody started sweating "I-I'm Sorry
Y/n! I wasn't thinking straight I didn't mean to K-Kiss you!"

Y/n cups Rody's face "No, I meant why did you stop?"
Rody smiled and leans over to kiss you again.

Y/n said to Rody "Your not a bad kisser than i thought"
Rody chuckles "I could say the same to you"
You both laughed and when home holding hands

(At Rody's place)

You guys arrived home, Roro and Lala saw Rody and ran to greet him "Welcome back Big brother and Y/n!"
Rody smiled at the and patted there heads

Y/n hugged them both "Go back to what you were doing, I'll be in the kitchen making dinner"

Roro and Lala smiled and Lala said to Y/n "You make the best foods Y/n!"
"Thank you Lala now go to your brother and wait till dinner is ready" Y/n said to Lala

Y/n went to the kitchen and cutting some vegetables then suddenly Rody hugged Y/n at her back

"Rody dinner is not ready yet" Y/n said
Rody replied "I know I'm just bored, Thanks for making us food everyday by the way i really appreciate it and they are really good!"

Y/n patted his head "Ok Rody, I'll make this as fast as i can just wait there ok?" and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek

Rody smiled and blushed a little "Alright" and walked towards Roro and Lala

After She made Dinner and finished eating they went to bed but Rody and Y/n were cuddling

*Next day*

Y/n woke up and checked her phone and it was 5:30 AM and decided to make Pancakes for Breakfast so She got up, Drank coffee and went out to buy ingredients

She got home safely and was glad they were still sleeping and made started making pancakes.

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