9 - we are very close to being out of the calm of the storm

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alexa, play TWO BIRDS by regina spektor


"Do you realize that, like, nobody in our friend group is going to read the paragraphs that you just sent?" Wes held up his phone in my direction, referring to the layout of the three acts in every horror movie.

I shrugged and placed the empty spoon in my mouth, beginning to talk with a strongly displaced lisp for the pure purpose of annoyance. Actually, I don't know how Wes is going to react to my idiocy, but it's never a bad reaction, which is why I lov-like him so much.

"I mean, Brielle and Laina and Mindy probably are gonna read it." A beat. "Maybe Liv. If she knows how to read."

A confused smile formed on his lips and confused laughter rolled off his tongue, "I really hope you know I have absolutely no idea what you just said."

"Well, I-" I took the spoon out of my mouth and tried to maintain my composure. "You had to have at least tried to hear the names and put two and two together, right?"






"Yes, from Divergent-"

"No!" He let out a laugh that sounded like absolute music to my ears. "I mean, yes, but two plus two equals four. See? I can put two and two together."

"Oh my gosh," I let out a belly-laugh, leaning into Wes and shaking my head. "You're an idiot. And I love-" NO. "I love that about you."

"Why thank you very much. I appreciate it, I really do." Wes smiled and nodded, stroking my hair. "D'you wanna go for a run on the path we used to run on as kids?"

"Where'd that come from?" I asked, and then I didn't like how that sounded, so I added onto it: "I mean yes, but where did that come from?"

"A long thought process that I can't explain to you." He stood up and help out a dramatized hand, of which I took and couldn't stop smiling because of this.

"Shall we walk?" I asked, linking my arm with his.

"We shall indeed." And so we began our walk, first needing to head in the direction of the path at the park before going down the path itself. I noticed Brielle and Laina's car pulling out of the parking lot, and couldn't help but take special notice of Laina watching us with an expression on her blurry face that I couldn't quite discern. Eye contact was made after about five seconds of me realizing her, and she just pasted a smile on and waved, mouthing 'goodbye' and then hitting Brielle's shoulder so the blonde would do the same. I smiled back and waved goodbye before turning my attention back to the path in front of me.

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