13 - our minds get blown (literally for one person)

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alexa, play EVENTUALLY by tame impala


good luck, sorry i can't come with, i gotta keep my kids safe. love ya tatum!

I smiled at his text as I walked into Amber's house from the back entrance, but didn't bother replying to it at this very moment in time. I needed to mourn Wes, inform everyone about my dad, and kill Amber. All in the span of hopefully an hour and a half. Was that the overachiever in me talking? Yes it was, but I've always been more of a Reed than a Johnny, so I think it tracks fairly well. I was instantly angered by this so called 'memorial' for Wes-if it had been a memorial when Brielle and Laina first got here, it sure as shit wasn't anymore. It was a full on party; just an excuse for teenagers to drink and have sex while their parents think that they're mourning one of their friends lost to the massacre.

They're all a bunch of ignorant assholes is what they are. I spotted Chad and Liv graphically making out on a couch, turned and saw Mindy talking to her possible crush, Francis, and realized that from where I was standing, I could not find Amber, Brielle, or Laina. It would be against my better judgment to go and ask any of the three friends I saw right now if they knew where the three important people were, so I actually didn't ask them. Quite proud of myself for that one.

I maneuvered my way through the crowded kitchen, living room, and hallway to the lobby before I was able to find Brielle and Laina. Brielle was talking to her boyfriend, Carter, and Laina was talking to somebody I didn't recognize-luckily, however, it wasn't Cody, who is another story for another time. I walked over to them, but genuinely didn't attempt to give them a smile. I didn't have it in me, not with everything that's happened and everything that I've learned.

"Babe!" Laina squealed excitedly, pulling me in for a hug and pulling back after a nice fifteen second bear hug.

"How're you doing?" Brielle asked after kissing me on the cheek.

Do I tell them? With so many people around? Will they call me crazy, will they believe me, will they not know what to do, say, or think? There were too many questions now flying around in my head because of the singular question that Brie asked, so naturally, I decided not to answer a single one of them.

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