[3] Two Year Adopt Me Streak

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Zushi shifts his mouse to deviate from his simulator. He runs his fingers through his short brown hair as his cursor runs across the PC screen with precision, coming to a stop. Thick eyebrows furrowing, he clicks on the green button.

"Ay, caramba--that was 4,200 robux," he says outloud.

Killua walks into the room from the kitchen holding a Lightning McQueen plate with pizza rolls sitting aimlessly atop. "Dude. What in the holy fish knuckles are you doing awake at this time?" Killua says, disgusted.

"I can ask you the same thing," Zushi sneers.

Killua ignores his statement. "Bro... Are you catfishing in Adopt Me, again?" Killua asks, utterly disappointed.

"No comment." Zushi clears his throat and continues. "Anyways, why are you in my room?" Zushi raises his eyebrow.

"Anyway," Killua smugly corrects, crossing his arms as the ends of his mouth curve upwards.

"Bro. You've literally been disowned."

"At least I wasn't adopted," Killua retaliates, pausing and then continuing. "Anyways, we gotta hang up the fliers," Killua says in mockery, yawning.

"It's literally midnight."

"I can't get caught hanging up fliers for a Nerf war in my neighborhood. Dude! My landlord would kick me out," Killua huffs.

"There's a lot of things your landlord can kick you out for," Zushi scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"It's not a phase, MOM."

Killua swings his backpack off his shoulder and zips it open, extracting the fliers. He hands half of them to Zushi.

"Oh, so are we gonna hang them up in your neighborhood?" Zushi asks, staring at the fliers in his hands.

Killua gives a mischievous smile. "Why not both?"

"C'mon, I've done the 5 star ritual 10 times today already..." Ikalgo groans.

Ikalgo rolls and a QIQI appears on screen as tears start appearing in his eyes.

"YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Ikalgo screams. The desk shakes in retaliation as Ikalgo slams his fist into it.

"I don't even have her built... Ikalgo sighs.

"I guess I'll have to spend more money then." He drops his wallet into his lap and digs for his card.

A knock comes from his door, Killua walks in moments after. Killua stops at the sight and appears disappointed, his exhausted blue eyes shift to Ikalgo's PC screen.

"You lost the 50/50," Killua states in unadulterated disappointment, trying to convince himself to not believe his best friend's actions.

"Yeah," Ikalgo says defeatedly.

Killua slams the palms of his alabaster hands on the desk, eyes narrowing and piercing. "Don't spend all your money like last time."

"How am I gonna get Ayato at C6 then?" Ikalgo says, avoiding Killua's eyes.

"You get what I mean."

"Ugh, fine," Ikalgo groans in exaggeration.

After a brief period of clicks the currency in the corner increases tenfold. The screen flashes light over Ikalgo's face repeatedly. The screen turns gold as splash art of Ayato reflects through her glasses.

Ikalgo raises his fists in the air. "Hell yeah!! It only took 60 pulls this time. Well, I guess 140 if you count the others... Anyway, what did you want?" Ikalgo drops his arms.

"So, about the "Nerf war battle" you were talking about... Don't you think we need to talk to the people who are joining first?"

"I mean yeah, I put a phone number on the fliers so people who are joining have called me," Ikalgo says distractingly. Distant footsteps are heard, coming closer the farther time pasts.

"Heard you were talking about the Nerf war, wanna be enthralled with the nerf war ways? Thou shall join with blissfulness and end with the feeling of wrath."

Killua's head snaps to the sight of a familiar freckled male. "You again? What the fuck do you think you're doing here?"

"Be nice to Gon, he's gonna be attending the Nerf war," another voice says. Zushi steps up from outside the doorway and into the room.

"Zushi?! I thought you were on my side, why is the fucking Fortnite default dance dude here?"

Ikalgo shrugs.

"Well the default dance is the best dance!" Gon retorts, eyebrows furrowing angrily.

"I bet you don't even know you're getting yourself into, you'd lose the Nerf war the second it starts," Killua argues.

"Oh yeah, wanna bet?" Gon asks, fully confident in his ability.

"Loser has to grant the winner a wish," Killua grins.

"Bet. Literal fucking bet," Gon says firmly, scrutinizing Killua's features.

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