[10] Freak Ho

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As a result of Gon and Killua's shitty game programming project, they resulted to the simplicity of chatting and messaging on iMessages, of course. In due time, Gon satisfies his boredom by fundamentally, harassing Killua.

New Message
Today 4:20 AM

GON: What is Up my Boy Kilua

KILLUA: why r u up this early
KILLUA: and can u srsly stop texting me

GON: i'm Not to tech Savvy but there is in fact a Block button?
GON: And i'm up this early coz I gotta prepare Myself for da nerf War y'know?
GON: Plus it's oui'd time 🍃

KILLUA: too*
KILLUA: oh don't get me wrong, i am tempted but
KILLUA: you would just end up annoying me in person

GON: But I already do that 😈

KILLUA: the only factual thing i've heard from you so far

GON: rude >:(
GON: do You Wnna play 2 truths And a Lie?? 😛


GON: Great! I'll go first
GON: my Favorite color Is Green
I can't Tell the difference Between a nickle and a Dime
My favorite Drink is Apple juice

KILLUA: the second one because you're stupid

GON: D: that's mean!
GON: And your Wrong! It's the Third one

KILLUA: you're*
KILLUA: pffttt your favorite drink must be orange juice then

GON: ...i'm Mad that your right :/
GON: anywaysssss :p

KILLUA: anyway*

GON: Stop doing taht! >:(
GON: It's your turn now 😁

KILLUA: ok um
KILLUA: i've stabbed my mom and ran away
i get off to fortnite porn
i've been arrested for selling drugs

GON: i Don't wanna Play this anymore... 😅

KILLUA: oh c'mon you started it

GON: well you Ruined the fun With your weirdness 🫤

KILLUA: wow i can't believe Gon Freecss had the audacity to be so hypocritical
KILLUA: but i presume the game is over now
KILLUA: guess you'll never know ;)

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