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I went to talk to David Ellis. Mary Ann's husband.

What is he like?

David Ellis is a locally known and successful architect. He was involved in the planning of the provincial town hall.

Did Mr. Ellis go to college?

He did! David Ellis obtained an architect's degree from college. He graduated summa cum laude.

What does that mean?

He was one of the best in his senior year.

Did Mary Ann go to college?

That's what bugged me a little. Mary Ann obtained only a High School degree.

That's a big contrast between the two, isn't it?

It is! Since, usually, people from the same social and educational background find each other. It is actually rare that people from different social classes to marry.

But it happens?

It does. But men are more likely to marry a woman who is below their social class.


Society is still built around the paradigm of a single breadwinner. This means that men are supposed to provide financially for their families while women stay at home and care for the children. The single breadwinner paradigm is common in the working class. The working class has mostly basic education. Most working-class women are either high school dropouts or have only a high school degree. Staying at home and caring for the children while her husband provides solely for the family isn't a degradation for them.

Do you think that a woman degrades herself by staying at home and caring for her child?

That's not what I've said! I'm talking about what social research shows us. And social research indicates that society makes it difficult for women to successfully combine family and career. And if push comes to shove women choose career over family. Because the prospect of being a housewife is for a woman with higher education a step back on the career ladder.

I see. So, social conditions are responsible for women to fail in combining their careers with families?


How did Mary Ann and David meet?

I asked David and he responded:
- We knew each other through church and the party.

I understand that they knew each through church but the party?

In this rural community, political parties have a huge influence. The town is part of the rust belt. A former industrial hub that declined when big manufacturers moved abroad because of cheaper labor costs. And the rise of the internet companies which need highly skilled laborers didn't have use for the old guard who served at the assembly lines of the big car manufacturers.
People in this area became disillusioned with politics and politicians who have broken too many times their promises. This area had one of the lowest voter participation in the country. Only 35 % of all eligible people did cast their vote two decades ago. This left a remaining 65 %. Political parties saw their chance in allocating the remaining 65 percent and heavily invested in the region.

Did politicians bring back jobs?

No, they couldn't because labor costs in the West are much higher than let's say in Asia, where workers are pressed and squeezed into sweatshops. And the internet giants in Silicon Valley do not need technicians who know how to run a car company. This left many people who had built their livelihood in the big industry desolate and politicians tried to fill the void.

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