Chapter 2

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I jump back to my apartment, even though the gunshot wound is still hurting like shit. Luckily I can jump from roof to roof so there aren't any people around to see how much pain I'm in right now. I'm about 5 minutes away from my apartment when a little spider comes swinging and lands in front of me. "What do you want Spidey?" I try to sound annoyed, but it's hard to hide the pain. "Nothing really. Just saw you and thought we should talk again. I mean if you have nothing against it, that is. It's just that we haven't really had any contact the last few weeks, so yeah." "Let's just say I run into some old friends that's why I wasn't really around the last few weeks. But I'm back now, so what did I miss Spidey?" Spidey tells me what he did the last few weeks and even though my legs still hurts I enjoy this time with him. He is so easy to talk to, even though neither of us knows the others identities. We just know each other as Spider-Man and Shadow. After some time he hears something in the distance and says his goodbyes and swings away. I head back to my apartment and throw myself in my bed.

I wake up after around 5 hours of sleep, which is actually a record normally I only sleep around 3 hours if I even sleep that is. I look at my phone and see that I still haven't answered the kind stranger.

heyy sorry about yesterday but im fine now so no need to worry


You got shot yesterday. Like hell you are ok.

Now back to my two questions. Who are you and how did you get shot?


well cant tell you that

but i have a question aswell

i still have you as ?? in the chat

i would like a name or atleast a nickname ok


And why would I give you that? 

Especially if I dont even have a name or nickname for you.



you can call me Kaze

//Kaze means Shadow in Japanese she just randomly picked a language

// this means btw author note

so what can i call you?


you can call me red


3rd Person


Natasha sits on the couch and is texting with Y/N and even though Y/N can be annoying, Natasha can't help but smile to herself when she is texting with Y/N. That doesn't goes unnoticed by the Avengers though, especially Clint and Wanda are getting curious.

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