Chapter 7

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Kraven turns around to me and I could feel the panic rise since I can't move. He slowly walks over to me, clearly being hurt from my assault on him. I can only watch as he slowly makes his way over to me and my panic is only rising. Especially since I don't know if he kills people or not. I should really do my research on Spidey's villains if I somehow get out of her. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice that he was now standing directly above me. "You put up quite the fight. Но теперь я должен убить тебя." (But know I have to kill you) My face is completely pale and my heart skipped a few beats when I heard the last sentence.

He swings his fist down at my face and hits cleanly, he repeats it over and over and I can feel myself lose consciousness. I get sucked into memories of my life and tears fall down my face. Not because I'm sad I die or anything like that, more because I realize how bad my life really was.

I mean until I was 10 I was a lab rat for Hydra and the Red Room. Depending on what 'I needed'. Anyways Hydra mostly experimented on me, while the Red Room gave me fighting training. Both of them obviously tortured me as well, but I try to forget about that. Even though that doesn't seem to work since I still get nightmares from that every night. I remember my first mission when I was only 9, still questioning why they thought that was a good idea. But surprisingly I did my job well and killed the target. So I got a year's worth of missions from both Hydra and the Red Room under my belt and killed around 57 people in that time. And that's not counting the Hydra and Red Room agents. With them easy over 200, god I killed so many of them. Still wondering where they get all those agents though. Like how did both of them instantly fill those holes? 

Anyways yeah with ten I somehow managed to escape the Hydra base I was at and was then on the run for two years. I managed to completely lose them and with the Avengers noticing them they had other problems to deal with. So I tried to live in one place, but the problem was CPS somehow found me and sent me to a foster home. At first, it was nice but after a few days, I noticed their behavior changed and they got abusive. I still stayed with them for a couple of months but then had enough when they pulled a gun on me. 

CPS shipped me to a foster home in New York and well let's just say that process repeated itself a couple of times. After two years in that circle, so when I was 14 I had enough and just took a job and somehow managed to find an apartment cheap enough so I could pay enough. Still don't understand how it is so cheap. Other than that nothing really happened besides when I got first shipped to New York I met Nakisha and we instantly became best friends. God, I still haven't talked to her, what kind of best friend am I?


Peterman aka Spiderparker POV


Somehow I had a really good day so far. Flash for some reason ignored me, might have something to do with what Y/N said to him. I get 100% on the math test and stopped everything without me or anyone else getting injured on my patrol. I was in the middle of stopping a robbery when I heard screams coming from a new direction, but I couldn't just leave and let them rob the store which took a really long time since it was a huge gang that came to help the robbers. After I was done stopping the robber and webbing everyone up I hurried over to the screams as fast as possible. But what I saw made me instantly want to throw up. I saw Kraven beating up a nearly or already unconscious Shadow (it's hard to tell from so far away). I saw him swing another fist down, but I manage to web his fist and pull at it so he can't land the punch. Kraven looks at his hand and turns around to me smiling. "Добро пожаловать, маленький паучок. I was getting worried you didn't like me anymore" (Welcome, little spider.) I can tell that Shadow already injured him severely, which even I struggle with. "Yeah sorry Kraven, there was a robbery going on that I couldn't ignore." "I see you are still hoping to protect everyone?" "Well, I try at least." With that, I swing down to him and punch him in the face, which makes him come down to one knee. "Look Kraven, we both know you are already injured so how about we just call it a day so I can bring her to a hospital." I was pointing to Shadow and even though I knew the answer, there was still a little hope in me. "I appreciate the offer Spider-Man, but I have to decline. Теперь сразись со мной." (Now fight me) I sigh but do as he says and fight with him. It takes me longer than expected to beat him, even with his injuries it takes me around twenty minutes to beat him. I end up with multiple broken ribs, a broken jaw and nose, and internal damage. I hurry over to Shadow and check her pulls and see she is still alive. I swing over to the Avenger's Tower with her and call Mr.Stark on the way explaining what happened to him. I land in the med bay and Bruce takes Shadow from me while Tony comes to me. He brings me to the second room, where Dr.Cho is already waiting for me, and puts me in surgery.

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