
483 18 1

It's a crowded day on the subway and you are dying inside. Your manager was most definitely going to kill you if he found out you snuck out to drink only to end up with alcohol poisoning. At least you think it's alcohol poisoning- ooh! You're getting sleepy, who likes you?! maybe someone spiked your drink? Oh well, you refused to go to hospital. You'd sleep it off on the subway to your current place of stay if it meant avoiding a scandal.

You swallowed back the rising bile in your throat as you readjusted your mask hoping no one would recognise you. Your staggered walk ends up getting you tossed about in the fast flowing current of people trying to board their train home. After getting tossed around and peeling yourself off some guy who 'accidentally' brushed against you, you ignore the man as he stares a little too hard at your face. "Do I know yo-"no, fuck off."

You stared up at the train cabin in front off you, 'ah, what one was it that that nerd took?' What was his name? Dokma? Dok...dokja! Yes that was it, what a funny name. He was so cute when he went on about his little story, you'd have to read it when you were sober-

You lost your train of thought again, god this was confusing. Which train cabin was it?

[Choice time:]

[Train cabin 3607]

[Train cabin 3707]

[Train cabin 3807]

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