Train Cabin 3807

293 13 0

You nod to yourself with satisfaction, even when drunk out your mind how could you forget? Slipping away from the stunned man who touched you earlier, you step over the train gap and survey the faces on board.

There were a few people who stood out to you today, there was a lonely looking boy with his box of crickets, and an old woman standing while a teenage boy with white hair argued with her, but he quickly caved and gave up his seat as the surrounding people all glared at him and an off duty soldier told him off.

And finally Dokja with his head in his phone. But wait, who was that girl? Oooh did he get a girlfriend? Woah, he's finally grown up. 'Go dokja! Shoot your shot!' The girl tucked her long brown hair behind her ear and leaned closer to his phone making you snicker as he yanked it away embarrassed.

The doors shut behind you so you figure you should find a seat before you get sent flying, that would be awkward. But who do you sit next to?

[Choice time:]

[Sit next to the Dokja]

[Sit next to the old lady]

[Sit next to the little boy]

[Sit next to the teenager]

[Sit next to the soldier]

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