Shield yourself

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You see a fist in the corner of your vision- 'haymaker!' You raise your arms up! "Ah! Shit!?" His punch did have power in it but it was thrown awkwardly making his third and forth knuckle collide with your elbow, breaking the fifth metacarpal bone in his hand.

Your attacker howls but before you could shove him off of you, your body is sent flying! You open your eyes unaware that you'd even closed them in the first place, 'okay, that time I definitely blacked out' You push yourself up and as you struggle to breath in you realise you've broken your nose against the pole you were thrown against.

' What happened?' You can't smell it through all the blood pouring down your face and nose, but you can faintly taste it. Smoke. 'Was there an explosion? What...' You trail off in your thoughts as you gingerly tap your nose and wince in pain. 'Definitely felt that one, I'm gonna feel this in the morning...If I make it that is.'

[Choice time:]

[Fix broken nose to stop bleed]

[Go back and kick that guys ass]

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