Wake the stranger up

189 12 4

You reach out tap his shoulder. No reaction. You lay your hand on his shoulder and start to gently shake "hey," you whisper gently "wake the fuck up samurai. We've got a city to burn." You laugh at your own reference only to jump back when his eyes open with an intense glare. "Who the hell are you?" You laugh nervously in response to his accusatory tone. You just tried to wake the man up, was that a crime?

"What?" You finally respond. "You've never been here before, how did you get here?" "Uh, with my own feet?" His stone cold face makes you feel as though you've given the wrong answer. "Sorry?" You feel awkward for apologising and shrink under his steel grey eyes.

You flinch as his large hand wraps around your throat and pulls you close. People gasp but do not intervene, their frantic whispers for someone to call the police only fills you with dread. Was this really happening? "Name. What is your name?"

Because of the lack of oxygen you found it hard to speak. You tap his hand frantically trying to signal to loosen the grip and he just barely gives you wheeze out a shaky "(y/n)!" His eyelids widen the slightest fraction upon hearing your name. "(Y/n) (l/n)?" He reaches out his other hand slowly and removes your sunglasses and face mask.

He stares at your face for a moment before loosening his grip enough for you to speak and breath comfortably, but he doesn't pull away. "You're coming with me." You swallow. Your Adam's apple bobbing making him glance down at your throat. "What?" "The world is going to end soon, join me or die here."

'Oh my god, he's insane.'

The train slows to a halt and the entire cabin grows dark. And with it appears a goat like creature with golden horns wearing a straw garment. 'Holy shit what the fuck is going on here?! Am I going crazy!?' The dokkaebi starts talking- "I'll join you!" You whisper harshly to the stranger not wanting to waste time on whatever the fuck is going on in here.

"Hmm, but there's one last thing." You nod to the best of your ability "you must kill someone on this train." You stop dead in your tracks (pun intended hahahaha), but he continues "There's an old man over there, even you could do it if it's him." He nods his head in the direction of the senior. The old man looked to be in his late sixties and he had a cane.

"No, no I couldn't-"it's easy, I've done it before." You glance away to the white dokkaebi and back to the man opposite you. "Are you trying to tell me you've killed that man before or are you saying you've killed before?" You sweat nervously, either way you'd be in the hands of a killer. "Yes."

Suddenly a digital looking blue screen appears before you.

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Everyone one cowers away or starts to fight making your breathing pick up, this situation was just so fucked up. You look back into his grey eyes as the world stills between you two. "Well?"

[Choice time:]

[Accept reality and kill]

[Refuse reality and run]

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